Good Taste made Bad Taste: The making of Peter Jackson’s first feature film. 1988
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Good Taste made Bad Taste: The making of Peter Jackson’s first feature film. 1988
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I think Pete’s only legitimately good or great works are *Middle Earth series* and *King Kong*
Edit: To all the users downvoting, I don’t give a fuck about karmas and shit. It’s not my bread and better so fuck yourself
His *Meet the Feebles* is something else
This and the rest of his early films deserve a legitimate blu ray release
Thank you for sharing, that was amazing. He truly came from DIY, making all his props and sets, super inspiring for young filmmakers.
Love that movie and Brain Dead! I hope he gets back to his roots once more…i’m not a fan of all the whimsy
Bad Taste and Meet the Feebles damaged me emotionally and spiritually… but in a good way.
So many great quotes from one of my favorites of all time…
Barry: Get out of there fast Derek!
Derek: I can’t do that. I’m a Derek. Dereks don’t run.
Frank : Just remember, we’re only authorized to use violence when protecting the planet.
Barry : And the moon.
Frank : Yeah, and the moon.
Barry : I knew it was a mistake to issue weapons. We’re a government department not a paramilitary unit!
Derek : Yeah, the Astro Investigation and Defense Service!
Ozzy : Wish we’d change that name!
Frank: That’s elevator music for headbangers.
Those butts…and that unfortunate sheep, this movie is an absolute classic.