I have no idea what’s going on with Kanye there (sometimes I don’t think he really knows either), but I think that he looks like a guy who decided to dress up as a ninja at the last moment with the stuff he found in his closet. Guy clearly looks like the off-brand version to Ryu Hayabusa.
What do you mean, good ol Ozzy? Ozzy probably doesn’t even know who Kanye is, never mind stringing a thought together that would result in a pop culture reference for a Halloween costume.
Why does Kanye look like a death metal vocalist in the second photo
Ozzy and Sharon wore it better.
I would’ve loved to hear the conversation of Ozzy telling Sharon what they should be for Halloween.
Why does Ozzy look like the grim reaper’s grandma?
Lol this is great. Osborne def wore it better
That poor abused woman.
Genuine question; is there a reason Bianca is carrying around a cushion or is that a fashion statement?
can we please stop paying attention to kanye?
Ozzy has no idea what’s going on here, He just follows directions at this point.
Damn I gay as all get out but Sharon’s still got it going on
Sharon looks like Legs Griffin.
I have no idea what’s going on with Kanye there (sometimes I don’t think he really knows either), but I think that he looks like a guy who decided to dress up as a ninja at the last moment with the stuff he found in his closet. Guy clearly looks like the off-brand version to Ryu Hayabusa.
Plastic surgery didn’t do ~~Shannon~~ Sharon any favors.
Am I out of the loop? Is Kanye even relevant anymore?
At least they didn’t recreated the Venice boat incident.
i keep forgetting that celebrities can actually be fun. thanks osbornes!
Uh oh looks like he’s doing blackarm
Why is ‘wife’ in quotation? Are they not married?
Meredith your dress!
I’m so confused and not turned on.
I wish him coming out as a nazi would have stopped people from talking about him.
If the fucking *Osbournes* are taking the piss at how weird you are being, you need to examine your life.
Is this a costume or why is she wearing a pillow?
What do you mean, good ol Ozzy? Ozzy probably doesn’t even know who Kanye is, never mind stringing a thought together that would result in a pop culture reference for a Halloween costume.
Is Sharon sick? Her face looks gaunt.
That poor Bianca lady looks like she’s a domestic violence victim.
Fucking love Ozzy.
Bianca always looks like she’s in a hostage situation in photos of her with Kanye.
I’m so out of the loop with all the celebrity stuff
I thought Ozzy and Sharon divorced years ago…
Fuck all four of them tbh
I see, “send help” all over her face.
They look like rejected mortal combat characters.
Man, Bianca looks scared every time I see a photo of them two.
When you flaunt slavery with impunity
Ozzy also talked incoherently in order to complete his Kanye impersonation.
Kanye looks like a badly cosplayed mortal combat character
Damn, Sharon got skinny. Ozempic is a hell of a drug
Omg thats sad that Sharon looks better than Bianca
Ozzy and Sharon wore it better.
Ozzy looks like Kanye more than Kanye looks like Kanye