Friday, February 21All That Matters

Going to the movies in 1978


  • This channel is amazing, by the way. I think someone else posted a video from it last week, as well. It seems to literally be nothing but b-roll of various local news orgs across the country doing lifestyle features. It’s like a crazy porthole into the past, all the imagery and ambience, as authentic as possible.

  • I went to a small town theater pretty much my entire adolescence. (Think mid 80s to early 2000s). Movies were 99 cents. At that time new movies might be a week or two behind a large theater release. Sometimes though, they’d get something new right away. The pandemic hurt that some… but didn’t kill it. Now prices are $3 for adults. Current showings are Fast X and Gaurdians Vol 3.

  • So. I saw The Turning Point in 1978. Or at least half of it. I was six and barely remember it, but legend has it the lights dimmed and I immediately fell asleep. I disagree with this version.

    Seeing the world as it truly was, acting the way we all did, is the weirdest feeling. The guy who spots the video camera and REACTS? That’s why it drives a lot of us olds crazy when we see everyone holding a camera up around them. It just wasn’t common at all.

    Also… so much brown. Every coat on every human was brown. I remember rust, olive green, and maroon as well.

    I also remember WW1 veterans marching in our parades. Every St. Paddy’s Parade they were. Until the year they weren’t. The WW2 vets drove their float empty in honor of them.

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