God’s doors are open to all (OC)
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God’s doors are open to all (OC)
View Reddit by TheNewJasonBourne – View Source
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Are the doors half shut or half open?
Not to me. God says I’ll go to hell
Church baiting people to walk into a wall.
Those are not real doors though
Ted Cruz told us there should only be one door.
why do I hear a clap for each word I read.
Kinda like saying dumbledore’s doors are open to all…
What in the Looney Tunes?! Trying to get us gays with fake doors so we knock ourselves out and roll down the hill. I’m not fallin for it!
not if you are a tax Inspector
And on the other side of the door, is conversion therapy.
Historically not the case. Rainbow wash all you want, we see what the church has done to us for centuries.
There’s a lot of y’all claiming to worship the same God and many of them don’t feel the same way. Some quite vocally the opposite.
So you’ll just have to forgive my skepticism along with the sins.
But only for this month?
Ted Cruz is ‘triggered’ by too many open and coloured doors.
Real fake doors
What happened with the doors on the ark?
Well it’s really fucking weird to scroll through Reddit and see the church you went to for more than a decade.
Except for the back door, amiright???
Ah, hello fellow south east PA resident! Just as a side note, they aren’t doing this just for pride month, they have that up basically year around.
Somebody ain’t read their bible.
Except violet… screw them. Lol.
[Admiral Ackbar voice] It’s a trap!
Wow so like, fuck indigo I guess?
Is that the one on 23?
Yeah, I wouldn’t trust a church that has the Symbol of Chaos built into the cross…
Even the back doors?
My parents belonged to an all accepting gay-affirming church when I was in high school – when I realized I was gay I met with the minister at my parents urging. The dude literally threw a bible at me and told me that while they accepted queer people in the congregation he had to pray for my soul to be saved because I was a youth of the church and had been lead astray by the ‘homos’ in the church.

King of Prussia, PA: Good Shepard Lutheran Church
My cousin got married there.
Interesting cuz when I came out as gay to my church they thought I was possessed by a homosexual demon and threw holy water at me but I didn’t melt away like they thought
Gotta catch em before you clean em.
I’m not religious, but I do appreciate the gesture.
So much virtue signaling.
All sinners are welcome to receive Him, and that’s what it’s really about – us being willing to receive Him into our lives: allowing the Righteous Spirit entrance in our lives – and know that He doesn’t plan to leave you in the condition that He found you. You are welcome into His house, but you will be made clean first. Only God’s Spirit is the cleaning agent of the soul. Whosoever humbles themselves and calls on the name of Jesus (Yeshua) asking Him directly for salvation, knowing that our sufficiency comes from Him alone – know that God will hear you wherever you are at, and He will give you the gift of His Spirit and the purchase of your salvation was at the cost of His suffering – and He believed that the price was worth it, to gain you.
I think the bible is pretty clear about it
That’s not what they taught me in religion class 🤨
def too many doors. how can they defend this church?
Someone should really tell his followers…
In the Netherlands, when someone exits and leaves the door open while they should have closed it behind them, we ask sarcastically if they were born in a church.
But are they really?
Not according to that book you guys read all the time