Wednesday, March 12All That Matters

God of War: Ragnarök turns 1 year old today! What are your thoughts on this game after one year?


God of War: Ragnarök turns 1 year old today! What are your thoughts on this game after one year?


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  • I loved it from start to finish. However, because I have been waiting for years since the 2018 one released I kinda was expecting ragnarok event to be more memorable/mesmerizing.

    Broke my heart a little seeing how old and tired kratos was at the end for someone who have played it as a teenager back in the ps2 era 🙁

  • Beat the game when it came out, pre-ordered. It was ok, nothing to write home about. Forgot about it after that.

    Completed GoW 1, 2 and 3 again a few months back on PS plus premium, like the old games more honestly…maybe I’m just old🤣

  • It felt like 2 games squished into one with some bad pacing compared to 2018. I didn’t hate it but I wish they’d have done like a small inbetween game like spiderman did to help pace it out.

  • Great game overall but the ending felt really rushed and small scale.
    They really didn’t hit a lot of stuff that was set up in the first one and they gotta stop relying on dwarf magic solving shit.
    And I hated the Tyr twist…

  • Hugely disappointing after the first game. It wasn’t nearly as fun to play, the story was a mess and felt very rushed with much lost potential. Should’ve been a 2nd game before Ragnarok happening.

  • Felt the gameplay was worse. Valkaries were way cooler than Berserkers. The Atreus sections were a bit slow.

    But, the character stuff was on point. Thor was excellently written, I loved the relationships between him and his father. Heimdal was an excellent villain. How he is kind of a mirror to Atreus’ ability to sense animals intentions and he turned out so differently and synicall was cool to see. Kratos having an arc where he gets to see himself becoming a monster to having some hope for the future was really cool. Faye could have told him that people would revere and love him when she saw the prophecy herself, but Kratos had to go through the journey to ever think it was even possible. I like that they made Odin almost like a used car salesman who can get out of being the evil one on technicalities, but he would always manipulate situations to his advantage.

    Overall a solid experience. Look forward to what they have coming next.

  • It took gameplay I really liked and made it even better, it had some great places to explore, and it had a handful of great story moments.

    That said, its pacing wasn’t good and the pivot away from Odin’s obsession with Jotunheim to some random mask didn’t work for me at all. Odin and Thor, good as they were during their scenes, felt badly underserved compared to Baldur because the game had so many characters and so many things going on that there just wasn’t much time to stop and ruminate on anything.

    Basically, it should’ve been a trilogy and the mask macguffin shouldn’t have been a thing. Really good game, but not the masterpiece that the GoW 2018 was.

  • Underwhelming. Kratos felt like a secondary character, we didn’t get to see general, full on rage Kratos, Atreus has imo an unfulfilling ending and overall I wanted bigger set pieces for Ragnarok. To this day, nothing tops GoW 3 and the titan fight.

  • I couldn’t finish it. I grew tired of the climbing section and the squeeze through a crack in the wall section. If it’s for exposure just do a cutscene I’ll watch it, but I’ll not be invested if i need to hold the joystick without thinking.

    I don’t know maybe I’m just burned from those type of games.

    I didn’t really like the Atreus part. Fighting with him was not fun.

    It suck because I love that franchise, but I didn’t really had fun playing it. I’ll try to finish it someday

  • The game really falls apart in the 2nd to 3rd act. The ragnarok could have easily been a game itself, but here it just sort of happens and it’s not very impactful, especially compared to GOW 3. Making the ragnarok happen in the second game was a massive waste of a cool concept.
    If I had to describe this game in one word, I would say it’s underwhelming. The previous one had a more emotional story, and GOW 3 executed the “war against the gods” concept a lot better, so while it’s a good game it’s also kinda meh

  • The Ragnarok section felt rushed, like from blowing Gjallarhorn to the credits felt way too quick and like not enough had happened.

    Might still be the biggest post-game depression I’ve had ever, but I did do the funeral last.

  • As much as I loved GoW Ragnarok, the final act is unfortunally extremely rushed and filled with plot holes and cut content:

    I cant get out of my head the feeling that GoW Ragnarok final act is the Game Of Thrones final season of gaming. Everything felt so rushed and wrong during the final battle that it’s a crime for an incredible game like this that, when everything was supposed to explode, it , instead, crumbles to pieces .

    These are some examples that disappointed me a lot since they were extremely rushed or missing/ cut / left behind:

    – Jormundgand and Fenrir are two of the most important beings in norse myths Ragnarok and they are literally useless in this game, their contribution is zero, they just appear for 2 seconds in the background .

    – The whole Surtr storyline. First, he is supposed to be hidden in muspelheim and then we find him 50 meters from the portal , in plain sight… but lets forgive this. He spent his whole life training for Ragnarok and then he does not want to help because of some weird thing about melting with his wife ( Why the training then?? why even bring this melting with wife thing up since it is not in norse mythology? Also because it ends up in nothing and we never see Sinmara). Then he sees the blades of kratos and magically ” oh ok, lets use these instead of my wife! ” …why ? They are made of primordial fire ! … ok, and ? Also , didnt Surtr realize he literally lives in a realm made of primordial fire ? Then , we are desperate because during the final battle he does not appear immediatly. And when he finally does, we change our mind ” we will enter the walls ourself, lets stop this monster before he destroys everything!”. It all seems so wrong to me .

    – Where the hell is the helheim undead army ?? I swear I did not see a single helwalker during the final battle

    – Thor and Odin bossfight are fun and great gameplay wise but as epicness and scenography they are pretty bad. Compare it with Baldur fights when we destroy mountains and fight with a resurrected giant in the background and you get what I mean . We just fight Thor and Odin in the same 10 meters arena.

    – The whole spheres with giants’ souls plot turned to nothing , I expected Jotnars to play a big role in Ragnarok but their whole storyline seems to be cut during development ( there are giants in the official artbook cover fighting during ragnarok but , instead ,they are not in the game)

    – The whole mask / rift plot turned into nothing with no explanations at all

    – The whole Kratos death prophecy plot also turned into nothing since he does not die and also never risks to die , while a big part of the story of this game is about Atreus finding a way to reverse the prophecy about his father ‘s death. Nothing happens and this matter is never talked again .

    – The final act is a ” we must be better ” fest , they stressed this way too much imo, to the point nobody wants to kill Odin. They all swore vengeance to him and then they all backstep when time comes… thankfully Sindri saves the situation.

    – The ending with all the characters hailing Atreus and living happily everafter seems so weird. Sindri is, again , the only character showing realistic behaviour and grief. Freya, Thrud , Sif seems to dont give a shit about the death of Thor and Freyr

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