Girls in love, photo by me.
View Reddit by janusjanusjanus – View Source
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Girls in love, photo by me.
View Reddit by janusjanusjanus – View Source
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The female body is soooooo beautiful.❤️
Hey, stop being so photogenic over there!
They look like women to me.
did you get to blow a load on them after?
Nice photo. Happy loving.
You must be very lucky to capture this session
One one hand, there’s a frustrating realization that this photo will get tons of upvotes only because of its bare chests, and not out of respect for the artform itself and of the skill it took to capture this shot.
On the other hand, there’s lotion.
that’s so strange that you would post something like this and then just admit to being “two faced” with your username. based as hell if i’m being honest
Porn in black and white.
He wanted to help them with their self-esteem.
I think they’re just doing porn or something
Does your mom know you’re taking pictures of bewbs?
Seems like boobs = ‘art’
I admire the capture of the skin details. The arm embracing the neck with the head placed on a shoulder. Curves captured in dark and light. What could be better than love? <3
“yeah I’m really into photography, would you fine lesbians like to partake?”
Sure you are OP
Exceptional! Outstanding! Thank you for sharing! I wish I could afford a print…
Mommy told me tomorrow it’s my turn to post tittes for upvotes
“Tits” -OP
r/pics where we post boobas to teenage boys to raise self esteem of women
They’ve got lovely eyes.
Hey now
Wow!!! This is so beautiful!!!
Sure. Because being in love means being naked together. /s
Fuck off with this. Just say what it is. It’s 2 naked women and you took a picture of their breasts.
Gaaaah I can’t put my finger on it but the composition seems a touch off. Nice shot all the same.
Love it. Got any pics of their butts?
Thank goodness November is over
you name it girls in love, but you don’t even show the love part, only their breasts…
Wa-wa-we-wah! Niice!
Damn, I think my bi self just became more gay…
Très belle photo
Beautiful art. The tones and shadows. The texture and the clarity. Very beautifully don’t and well taken
Keep it coming!

You should air brush this on the hood of your parents car .
You need a heater in your studio.
Up up and away to the front page we go.
i mean this photo is just boobs? wtf 💀