Ghost Of Tsushima Is Breathtaking [Currently On My First Playthrough]
View Reddit by Shourya_29 – View Source
Ghost Of Tsushima Is Breathtaking [Currently On My First Playthrough]
View Reddit by Shourya_29 – View Source
Yes it is. It doesn’t matter which way the camera faces – its a screen grab worthy picture!
I played ghost of tsushima with kurosawa mode on my 4th play through with lethal+, got lost alot in forests but otherwise Beautiful
Youre breathtaking!
It honestly is the most beautiful game i’ve ever played. I just love the art style and all the colors.
Often when reaching a shrine on a mountain top, i would just put the controller down and chill for a few minutes. No other game has done that for me
For me this game has the 2th best artdirection.
Wait until u play forbidden west and ull see the pinacle of good loking games
Don’t make me boot it up again.
Also for those out there like myself who typically find giant open world games tedious and unfun…Not this one.
Ghost Of Tsushima and Elden Ring are the only modern open world games that I actually enjoyed experiencing.
Enjoy man it’s in my top 5!
I want the sequel with a bigger budget and better lighting engine and more island AI simulation. Also the open world was rather bland outside of the pure aesthetic decisions. Maybe a new island or more civilization on it to make it seem less like a bunch of forts and huts repeated with a new backdrop.
Hopefully with the money they made from this game they can go bigger.
My only issue with that game was that the cutscenes and stories felt like I was saving an island but there just wasnt enough presence of the locals in the open world and settlements were so small.
Also…coop would be dope. Something AC still hasn’t done well.
I know its not always fair to compare games’ graphics but playing FFVII Remake on PS5 at Aerith’s house there’s a cutscene with a closeup of the flowers in her house’s garden, kinda a major feature of the conversation and her personality.
And those sparse, blocky, blurry, unrigged for any kind of capsule collision, sad specimens of game graphics led me to boot up Tsushima in backwards compatibility mode standing in a random field of flowers extending to the horizon, the max LOD ones nearby animated by the breeze, rigged, beautifully modeled, textured and normal mapped.
Its like, ok SE.
Yeah, I started it a week ago on the ps plus trial. I’m hooked! I paid for a month of ps plus extra because of how much I’m enjoying it. One of the best open world games I’ve ever played. Not overwhelming mechanics, picturesque imagery, and so much to do. I think I’ll be playing it the entire month just to complete it! Highly recommend it.
Ubisoft game
Wish it’s on PC.
Forever wish this game was on PC. Spider-Man coming to steam gives me hope tho
I thought only Keanu Reeves can be breathtaking
No you’re breathtaking