Saturday, February 15All That Matters

Gene Kelly sings and dances with Olivia Newton-John (Whenever You’re Away from Me) in the 1980 musical “Xanadu”. Being this was Kelly’s final film role, the sequence holds great importance as it was the last filmed scene of the movie… offically making it his final dance number.

Gene Kelly sings and dances with Olivia Newton-John (Whenever You’re Away from Me) in the 1980 musical “Xanadu”. Being this was Kelly’s final film role, the sequence holds great importance as it was the last filmed scene of the movie… offically making it his final dance number.

Gene Kelly sings and dances with Olivia Newton-John (Whenever You’re Away from Me) in the 1980 musical "Xanadu". Being this was Kelly’s final film role, the sequence holds great importance as it was the last filmed scene of the movie… offically making it his final dance number. from OldSchoolCool


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