Thursday, March 13All That Matters

Galaxy Quest Alien School, Creating the Thermian Race


  • This movie is the cinematic equivalent of the Little Engine That Could. Like, nobody wanted it, nobody really saw it when it came out, but when it got to video it got a little stream, and ever since it just builds in legend.

  • One of those few films that are unintentionally perfect. And that’s not to discredit any one persons work, but more that everyone working together created this perfect thing.

  • I still hope that someday, we’ll get a “Director’s Cut” of this movie to restore the original, more “adult,” vision of the movie. It’s great now, but that could be even better.

  • So nice to see the Thermians getting some recognition. They really were an innovative take on an alien race at a time when it seemed like prosthetics would be needed to achieve that. Good guy Enrico Colantoni for trying something different and making the leader character so endearing!

  • I love that Patrick Stewart at first was salty about this movie, thinking it made fun of the Star Trek culture. A friend convinced him to see it and he loved it and the fact that it pays homage to the fans, with them playing a big part in helping to save the day. One of my favorite movies!

  • I rewatched this the other month and Colantoni’s performance really got me.

    To hear that it was all him and the reverence the other contributors have for him because of it is amazing.

  • Galaxy Quest is so great. So many fantastic characters but Sam Rockwell’s Guy Fleegman is the best…”Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?”

  • I remember wanting to rent this movie as a teen and either my sister or cousin told me it was a really bad movie, so I shelved it and forgot about it. This is the first time seeing anything about this movie from that point, and it looks like it’s exactly up my alley.

    I’m going to watch it later tonight. I suppose at least I get to watch this in 2022 with zero knowledge or expectations?

  • The DVD (yes, I had the DVD) has an alternate language track for the Thermian language. So, you can have English, Spanish, Thermian.

    If you pick the Thermian language track, *everything* is in that Thermian sound. It’s funny, then annoying, then it gets even funnier. They did **the whole movie** like that.

  • I have NEVER heard of Galaxy Quest. Over 8 years of my 21 years in this Earth, I’ve been on Reddit, soaking up the pop culture of America through osmosis and yet I haven’t heard a single tell of this thing.

    Sure! Maybe afterwards now I’ll hear more about Galaxy Quest because of the Baader Meinhoff effect, but I’m shocked that I never heard about this before now, seeing as how it’s so beloved.

  • I am proud to say I saw this movie in the theater. After it ended, my girlfriend and I turned to each other and said, in so many words: “Holy shit! That was so much better than we thought it would be!” Kind of a perfect film.

  • I rewatched this a couple of years ago and Dr. Lazarus giving the full Grabthars Hammer made me quite emotional at the loss of Alan Rickman

    By Grabthar’s Hammer, by the Sons of Warvan, you shall be avenged!

  • I have loved this movie since the first time I saw it and quote it all the time and so few people the reference but I don’t care if just had so many great lines


  • This movie deserves all the awards for this scene:

    The relationship between Alexander Dane/Dr. Lazarus and Quellek is amazing.

    At the beginning of the movie Alexander Dane hates his character’s catchphrase, he practically gags when saying the phase, when he meets Quellek he cuts him of and tells him to never say it again.

    But he soon realizes that to Quellek it’s all real. Quellek uses the Mak’tar stealth haze to avoid capture. Quellek suggests they use the Mak’tar strength chant to help open a jammed door. Grabthar’s hammer, the suns of Warvan, Ipthar, all those things that were completely meaningless and annoying to Alexander, gave meaning to Quellek when he had lost everything else. The show was fake, but the courage and strength that it gave to Quellek was real.

    So when the time comes, Alexander puts his ego aside and says the catchphrase once more, but with no hesitation or disgust, but with conviction, because it’s not just some stupid catchphrase from a TV show anymore, it’s the last rite of a Mak’tar warrior.

  • Favorite story about this fantastic movie:

    Tim Allen, being Tim Allen, was always clowning around on set and it initially drove Alan Rickman crazy, as he was a dedicated Shakespearean actor who took his job seriously.

    Anyway, the day comes where Tim has to do the scene with Balthazar and explain that they ‘lied’ and the show was all fake. He struggled with it and became increasingly emotional trying to get the part right.

    The director was watching this from a camera feed with Stephen Spielberg, who happened to be on set that day and remarked that Tim was doing a good job with that scene. Tim started to tear up, never having had to get emotional for a role before, and ended up having to go to his trailer for a bit, and the director says ‘what’s Tim doing’

    And suddenly the hear Rickman behind them, in that condescending nasally voice that he uses in the movie:

    ‘My god… I think he’s discovered acting’

    Much like the characters in the movie, they ended up liking each other by the end of the film.

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