Man my gf has a friend that says sorry for god damn everything…. I told him “yo bro you don’t need to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong.” His response? Sorry.
I am in Mexico today and I said sorry to an American,as you do, and they responded with a “oh its totally okay, don’t worry about it!” It was interesting to have someone think the way that I used sorry was a genuine apology.
I watched a coworker of mine walking out of a room looking at his phone and bump into the door frame. He stumbled and immediately apologized. It’s a reflex for us.
It doesn’t feel unnecessary to us. I always thought this was just a dumb stereotype with no foundation in reality. But recently I’ve been spending a bit of time in the States and man, the way y’all look at me when I say “Sorry” is hilarious. It’s almost a mix of confusion and annoyance that I wasted your time saying it 😂
Lol. Wait until you see UKs “Sorry” jar!
My jars would be equal.
Sorry, but Canada doesn’t even have pennies
In Ireland both jars are full
Sorry, I fucked up
sorry just means “excuse me” or “oops” here. its a dialect
Sorry, but who the fuck carries change? Do they have jars with tap?
I was volunteering at a rowing competition in the UK, and out of all the athletes, the Canadians were by far the friendliest.
It isn’t just a meme of how polite they are, it is true.
The sorry jar was full, so I used the swear jar. I’m sorry.
Sorry, but this reminds me of the episode of South Park where to Oil Company (?) keep saying they were “Sorry”.
Oh Crap, I owe 2 coins.
Sorry bout that.
Man my gf has a friend that says sorry for god damn everything…. I told him “yo bro you don’t need to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong.” His response? Sorry.
I don’t know what Canadians everyone else seems to know but the ones I know are dicks
I’m Sorry to say as a true Born Canadian I 100% apporove of this post. Sorry but that’s the truth.
So if you say sorry unnecessarily, is it then ok to follow up with a sorry to apologize for the first sorry?
As an Australian with anxiety, both jars would be full
This stereotype makes no sense in the rest of the English speaking world outside of the USA.
In the UK where all this derives from people apologise when they bump into lamp posts.
And Canada seems to have the most egregious murderers and serial killers per capita…
They will just spend it all on Caesars for breakfast.
“Fuck, sorry.” is why we always made the first two made up rules of King’s Cup no swearing and no apologizing.
I’m Canadian and even other Canadians have told me I say “sorry” too much. So now I just say “that sucks” instead when an apology isn’t warranted.
I must be Canadian then, I’m sorry.
I am in Mexico today and I said sorry to an American,as you do, and they responded with a “oh its totally okay, don’t worry about it!” It was interesting to have someone think the way that I used sorry was a genuine apology.
And a third jar for “just gonna sneak by ya here…”
Sorry, but as a Canadian I can say this is completely untrue. When we say sorry it’s always necessary. Sorry.
If anyone here knew anything about Canada, both jars would be full lol
Sorry to break it to you, but both of those jars should be full lmao
This sub is a portal to early 2010s Facebook.
It’s never unnecessary.
I watched a coworker of mine walking out of a room looking at his phone and bump into the door frame. He stumbled and immediately apologized. It’s a reflex for us.
It doesn’t feel unnecessary to us. I always thought this was just a dumb stereotype with no foundation in reality. But recently I’ve been spending a bit of time in the States and man, the way y’all look at me when I say “Sorry” is hilarious. It’s almost a mix of confusion and annoyance that I wasted your time saying it 😂