Friday, October 25All That Matters

Frog ballspitting

Frog ballspitting

Frog ballspitting

Frog ballspitting
byu/GretelNoHans infunny

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  • goofayball

    Imagine a minuteman line during the revolutionary war as they stand there after paul revere shouts his famous words “the British are coming!!! “ and all the minutemen aim down their sights towards the foggy field in anticipation of the red coats marching in their perfected dual line military barrage sequence. Then through the mist, they can hear the marching footsteps as they get closer in unison. Then, the odd sound of what they can only imagine is a new type of ammunition which has a very squeaky sound to it. Finally, in full synchronization, loud pops all occur. And through the dense fog, those minutemen stand shaking and ready for a bloodbath, and then out comes a little blue ball, bouncing right to the feet of Paul revere. He looks down, picks up the ball, and it has a squish to it. Beyond that, it’s wet, wet with a sticky, foul smelling goo. All the minutemen pause, lower their guns, and stare at the ball in awe. As they do, the fog suddenly dissipates, the sound of the red coats captain ripples through the air ”Reload!!!!!”

    The rubber squeak echos, the minutemen drop their weapons, their satchels, and their jaws and stand in awe of what they are about to face. Their eyes watering out of pure fear, trembling at the sight lay before them. They knew their fates were sealed. They saw what the fog had disguised for so long and wished only to be home with their families. They had laid eyes on the devil.

    Suddenly, the red coats captain yells his next command “AIM!!!” Then the sound of subtle growling amplifies the field. Then minutemen were at a loss for words, some even dropped to their knees and began praying and sobbing. Some turned and began retreating in pure fear.

    Then the final command of the red coats captain rang out “FIRE!!!!” And through the sky, the sun was engulfed. The blue sky became dark with fury. The ground beneath the minute slowly darkened as little dot like shadows began to converge into a giant deadly gloom. This was the end. But not for all the minutemen. One was lucky. He had escaped the hellish battle with all his faculties. He knew he had to report back to the rest of the colony to warn them of what was coming. The future of American relied on him.

    He charged through the back forests and found refuge in trees, where he quickly wrote down what he saw just in case he was unable to safely return in time with the hopes that whoever may find him, would search his person and find the note.

    Had it not been for that smart move, the last minuteman may not have gotten the message back. For he was mauled by a bear while hiding the tree. But to Americas luck, a little boy searching for rocks, stumbled upon the minuteman’s body and scavenged. To his surprise he uncovered a bloodied slightly torn note. And in that note was a message so vile, the boy dropped it, screamed a death curdling holler and ran back to the colony.

    This is what the note read

    Dear mother, dear father,

    On this day, the 18th of April 1775, I have no good news. Instead, I have but distress and anguish to bear upon you for I have seen the end of times. On our stand against the red coats, the fog was thick. We were ready for the worst that man had to offer, but we approached with, only the devil could inspire.

    I beg of you both, please, run, run far and fast, bring little Joe and my love Mary Sue with you to the deepest of the forests to the West. You are running from the apocalypse!

    These are not men, but wild beasts, they poses what I can only describe as satans shadow wolves, and these shadow wolves are small, cunning, vicious, loud, and enraged. The fire projectiles none like the world has ever seen. Blue as the depths of the Atlantic, bouncy and perfectly spherical orbs containing what must be an acidic goop from the beasts very own mouths. This new type of ammunition, you’ll know when you hear it. You’ll know if they are close. The sound is that of nails on a chalkboard. Don’t ask what that means either. It will someday be a very specific sound. None the less, when you hear it, you turn and you run. The beasts are ruthless, but the shadow wolves, although tiny in stature, are powerful with great white like crushing jaws. Should one get loose, you are best to not fight for your time has come. Never a man I saw on the battlefield escape when a shadow wolf attacked them. They were entranced in what can only be described as the worst pain known to man. A pain so harsh, you can’t help but laugh and giggle. The horrors I tell you! I have given the wolves a name. A name I want you to spread far and wide. I call them….French Bull dogs! No run! Seek shelter, defend my honor, I will see you in due time.



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