Friends for 70 years
View Reddit by GovSchwarzenegger – View Source
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Friends for 70 years
View Reddit by GovSchwarzenegger – View Source
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These are my elementary school friends from Thal! Stay connected, guys. It is so important.
Your hands make that coffee cup look tiny
Please tell me that your departing words were “I’ll be back”
You all look so genuinely happy. I actually really enjoyed this photo.
How often do you get together?
Why did you neglect to poke out your pinky?
I’ m early in the thread and won’t miss this occasion.
Much thanks for all the awesome movies! And just for being a nice human overall.
Cheers from France!
Also, we call you “Schwarzy” here.
….und ich habe überlegt aus welchem Film ich die anderen 4 kenne!
[Here](https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger/status/1658410906290888705?cxt=HHwWgoDRkdj77YMuAAAA) is the Twitter source of this image. Of course it’s Arnold.
If you visit there, please watch his [message to anyone who has chosen the path of hate](https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger/status/1632823423159107591?lang=en).
Edit: Fixed typo (i.e. “is” to “his”).
It’s King Conan!. 🗡️
Can’t even keep my own friends for 5 years
Geil! Kannst auch Mal im Gölsental vorbeischauen! 
I started left to right saying “I don’t recognize any of these guy—Oh.”
I hear you on staying connected. I’m 41 and my best buddy and I have been friends for 38 years.
I have to say I admire Mr. Schwarzenegger more as time goes on. While so many of the celebrities we idolize seem to be letting us down these days, he seems to have dedicated his life to being a good role model.
Here’s another heartwarming story about what a great friend Arnold is.
He cut the sentence of a killer because he was friends with the killer’s dad.
He always said he felt good about the decision because he was “Helping out a friend”.
The 22 year old victim was stabbed to death after he didn’t let the killer into a party.
TIL Arnold Schwarzenegger has a Reddit account
Ich trinke auf
Auf gute Freunde
Verlorene Liebe
Auf alte Götter
Und auf neue Ziele
Auf den ganz normalen Wahnsinn
Auf das, was einmal war
Looks like a good time was had by all.
The best part of having friends that long is they’re not impressed with shit.
“Yeah, we get it, they’re re-releasing Terminator for the anniversary, but we’re all going back to Charlie’s because he got a new lawnmower and it’s got a cup holder.”
When I was 6 I got to shake your hand at the William McKinley monument in Canton Ohio. You were the speaker at a national child fitness thingy. All I really remember was sticking my hand up and it being engulfed by this monstrous mit of a hand and your distain for us eating “chunk” food 🤣
I met you again at the Arnold classic bjj competition a few years ago. Your hands are still giant.
Arnold, what’s the key to keeping friendships alive for so many years?
Arnold, I own a Commando figurine of you that my mom received as a gift from my dad in the 1980s.
She was and still is one of your biggest fans at the young age of 71, and even you replying to say “Hello Nicole”, knowing it’s you who replied would probably mean a lot.
I snuck that movie out of my dad’s VHS drawer and watched it religiously because, a) I wasn’t allowed, and b) it was my mom’s favorite and she loved you so much.
You’re a gem and I’m glad I can even write this and that you might also read it.
Your friend,
A Gentle Canadian
What a sweet picture. Thanks for making my day, Governor.
PS thanks for your help getting rid of partisan gerrymandering in Michigan, too! I worked on that campaign and now we have a state legislature that reflects the will of the electorate.
Maintaining long term friendships is the biggest green flag for me in a person. Maintaining friendships requires effort, diplomacy, and compassion.
Wow Phoebe and Monica look different.
TIL Arnie has a Reddit account!
Arrhhhhhnold so huge he make coffee cup look like little toy.
Which one is the funny one in the group?
Why is there a big chungus Sony 70-200mm lens in the center of the table
Is that a tiny cup or a regular sized cup that would look giant in my hand?
It’s lovely to see friendships that have stayed over such a long time!
Wait a minute, I have never seen these guys in any of the Ahnold movies. Wait a second I think the 2nd guy from the left maybe was a “Johnny cab” fill in.
Arnold is that a tiny cup or are you just so big the cup looks tiny?
Arnold, you are a huge inspiration. Thank you for being you!
The biggest man with the tiniest cup
Nobody looks a day over 65 in this picture.
Yo why did Stanley (Tookie) Williams have to die?
They’re all giants, that’s a full sized coffee mug Arnold is holding.
Hey Arnold, back in the mid 80s I got to meet you on the beach of Paradise Cove. You were so unbelievably nice to me that day. You let me sit with you by your towel and talk to you for a while. I invited you to my birthday party (I was turning 9) but unfortunately you couldn’t make it. I wish we had also stayed friends lol, but I’ll always remember that day.
You are a lovely person and the world has been better having you in it. Thank you, sir.
That’s actually a normal sized coffee cup
One of those guys looks very familiar.
u/GovSchwarzenegger I watched Kindergarten Cop with my 11 year old this past weekend. While he generally groans about “old” movies, he absolutely loved it. Afterward he said, “Man, that had everything: action, romance, comedy. That was GREAT!”
Can’t wait to show him the rest of your movies (several will have to wait until he’s older :).
I have a group of girlfriends and we try to get together a couple times a year- it’s been 15 years and we’re going strong! I hope one day to get to take a photo like this. Thank you for sharing Mr Schwarzenegger!
Also, I’m a huge fan of yours!
Proof you should always keep in touch with friends, never know when one will become the Governator.
Isn’t that Helmut Kohl in the middle, back from the grave?
Hey Arnie,
I know that you will stay in Vienna because of the Summit so i was just wondering if you could spare some time to visit Intelligent Strength in the city!
They absolutely are probably the biggest fans of yours in this city. A friend of mine is training there and would lose his marbles seeing you there!
I was about to comment “wow, guy on the right looks alot like Arnold Schwarzenegger, neat” but then I saw who made this post.
Good job keeping up friendship for that long!
Mr. Schwarzenegger,
When is True Lies 2 going to happen? I’ve been extremely patient. Can you just make James Cameron make it already?
Thanks in advance!