French man in the 1950s trying Coca-Cola for the first time. The 1950s was a period of significant cultural change and globalization, and American products like Coca-Cola began to spread more widely around the globe.
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Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.
First Seen [Here]( on 2023-05-13 96.88% match.
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C’est quoi cette merde?
He’s like wow I can taste the cocaine
Man, Ed Harris still looks the same.
To be fair, that’s just what they look like doing anything
The 1950s is often underrated in terms of how transformative it was. Probably because of the two decades it is sandwiched between.
A source would be appreciated.
Jesus how old is Ed Harris?!?!?
a very sick repost.
Sadly, the French never learned to appreciate Velveeta cheese.
Pretty sure disdain is just the natural resting face of the French.
He’s probably so used to smoking a pack of cigs a day that the sweetness was jarring to his palate 😂
What ees zees american boolsheet?
That’s my reaction to seeing this picture on this sub for the 5th time this week
It’s an acquired taste.
My face every time I drink Coke, too.
He’s thinking why would anyone drink something that burns on the way down, but doesn’t get you drunk? 🤔
Irn bru better.
Looks thoroughly disgusted hahaha
This French man’s reaction says it all his name is Francis Ferdinand pepperstein, and as you can see by his reaction he hated the taste of Coca Cola instantly and began formulation his own special soda formula which went on to be Dr.pepper….and I totally made all that shit up idk who the fuck this guy is hahaha but he does look like he hates coke
What the fuck is this stuff?
God bless marketing
My turn to post this next Sunday okay?
His diet consisted of wine and cigarettes. A Coke would be cloyingly sweet if you’re not used to sweets.
Thats the same face I make when drinking Coke. I don’t get the near universal love of the flavor.
And as the sale of American food products spread, so did obesity, diabetes and other health ailments increase.
It’s reposts all the way down.
I think that’s how I looked the first time I tried it too. Now I drink Diet Coke all the time.
Reminds me of my reaction the first time I tried an energy drink years ago.
Pepsi man through and through.
At first I thought this was Ed Harris with a bigger nose
He doesn’t look too impressed
He probably liked Pschitt better
His reaction is still what we do today with coke flavours 🙄
French man is NOT impressed with the alcohol content of that coke.
Ah yes. The lovely taste of cokes sugar and battery acid flavor.
Isn’t it wonderful?
Hilarious how this is reposted every day. I’ve seen it on two different subs in just the last 5min.
TIL that Coke tastes odd to a cheese eating surrender monkey.
American champagne
Sacré bleu!
To be fair, that’s how kids react their first time too.
“What is this shit”
*Zis* ees what zey liiike?
Eet’s so vulgar, so full of *sugar*.
Typical French expression to all things non-French. Especially American, except our money and might. Those they readily, though begrudgingly accept.
For the love just give this poor bastard his glass of wine back
Dude looks like he was either a Vichy official or fought in the Maquis