Back then, I never imagined how much I would come to admire Dee Snider. But over the years, he has repeatedly taken cool stands about who gets to use his music (i.e., not fascists).
Honestly…and keep in mind I was 17 when all this happened and was listening to a lot of the stuff the PMRC was bitching my about….this wasn’t really a horrible thing.
Yeah, the PMRC ham handed their approach and went overboard but the concept of putting ratings on albums the same way movies had ratings isn’t outlandish.
I’ll never forget—
Tipper: Mr. Snyder could you tell the panel the name of your fan club?
Dee Snider: “The fan club is called the SMF Fans of Twisted Sister.”
Gore: “And what does ‘SMF’ stand for when it is spelled out?”
Snider: “It stands for the Sick Mother Fuckers!!!
F is for fighting, R is for red
Ancestors’ blood in battles they’ve shed
E, we elect them, E, we eject them
In the land of the free, and the home of the brave
D, for your dying, O, your overture
M, they will cover your grave with manure
This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
As long as there’s a PMRC.
Thanks to Dave Mustaine.
I always highly recommend watching the dee snider senate hearing in its entirety as is probably the best example of “don’t judge a book by its cover” you can get. He has such a peaceful cander in what seems to be such a hostile environment. Genuinely a great moment at people thinking only of the surface level being confronted with their own ideologies being challenged
Back then, I never imagined how much I would come to admire Dee Snider. But over the years, he has repeatedly taken cool stands about who gets to use his music (i.e., not fascists).
“As the creator of “Under the Blade,” I can say categorically that the only sadomasochism, bondage, and rape in this song is in the mind of Ms. Gore”
-Dee Snider
The PMRC found out that day that not all rock stars are idiots.
Man I love FZ.
Only thing missing is John Denver.
Honestly…and keep in mind I was 17 when all this happened and was listening to a lot of the stuff the PMRC was bitching my about….this wasn’t really a horrible thing.
Yeah, the PMRC ham handed their approach and went overboard but the concept of putting ratings on albums the same way movies had ratings isn’t outlandish.
They both look like bad sly stallone caricatures.
They, along with Dave Brockie, and notable others did more for our rights the nearly all of our elected so-called leaders.
I’ll never forget—
Tipper: Mr. Snyder could you tell the panel the name of your fan club?
Dee Snider: “The fan club is called the SMF Fans of Twisted Sister.”
Gore: “And what does ‘SMF’ stand for when it is spelled out?”
Snider: “It stands for the Sick Mother Fuckers!!!
I like Snyder, but Zappa was a true legend.
Two smart dudes right there
The right wing have been using moral panics to scare us for as long as I’ve been alive.
50s it was communism.
60s Hippies.
70s it was Satanic panic
80s PMRC and more Satanic Panic
90s it was PC
2000 it was Muslims & the Gays
Today it’s Trans people.
Anyone wanna take bets on what’s next?
Never a twisted sister fan but he killed those assholes.
True rock and roll heroes.
They’re not gonna take it!
Fuck around and find out by messing with Zappa. Dude was a sharp motherfucker.
Zappa is All Time Cool
Frank Zappa and Sasha Baron Cohen you mean
They should be inducted into the rap hall of fame
I watched that on C-SPAN that day.
Damn Democrats
Dad’s brother and mom’s brother
True heroes of freedom!
John Denver was great at these hearings too. The Senators thought Mr. Wholesome was going to come in there and agree with them, but it backfired.
We’re lawyers!
Wheres John Denver, third member of the unlikely trio
The kinda look like the same guy but one with a mustache and one with a wig on.

Dee used to be all about free speech
More attitude and rebellion in this photo than the rest of the music industry combined
Everyone over here dealing with the detrimental effects of rock & roll on the front porch; meanwhile rap strolls in the through the back door.
Did those two get along?
They were the two smartest men in the room
Sooooooo much respect for both of them!
They got owned by Snider and it was Epic!
Wow John Turturro should play Zappa in a biopic
The Parental Advisory label only made kids and adults alike want the album more. Way to go Tipper!

They remind me of characters from one piece
Dee snider (imo) is by far one of the most important figures in music for simply defending it as art
F is for fighting, R is for red
Ancestors’ blood in battles they’ve shed
E, we elect them, E, we eject them
In the land of the free, and the home of the brave
D, for your dying, O, your overture
M, they will cover your grave with manure
This spells out freedom, it means nothing to me
As long as there’s a PMRC.
Thanks to Dave Mustaine.
Frank Zappa was a pretentious man, yeah he was good but he wasn’t nearly as hot shit as he thought he was.
I miss Zappa.
Dee Snider for President
Love Dee. Frank’s pretty cool, too.
I’ll never forget the video of Dee Snider absolutely DUNKING on Tipper Gore and the Fuck Around Gang at that senate hearing. A true fucking legend
Reminds me of Jacobs from borderlands
I always highly recommend watching the dee snider senate hearing in its entirety as is probably the best example of “don’t judge a book by its cover” you can get. He has such a peaceful cander in what seems to be such a hostile environment. Genuinely a great moment at people thinking only of the surface level being confronted with their own ideologies being challenged
Both were amazing during the hearings
Frank Zappa in this suit looks absolutely professional. This alone probably spun a few heads as he countered preconceptions from the get-go.
you can tell Dee wants to kiss Frank right here, but he’s paralyzed by a fear of rejection.