Found this old Preorder Recipe in a game box – One of my saddest days
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Found this old Preorder Recipe in a game box – One of my saddest days
View Reddit by JangSaverem – View Source
I’m so sorry
This is like watching an old video of your friends getting into their car and driving away, knowing full well what happened to them later that day on the freeway.
You’re not alone brother, I too preordered that hot turd and man I was disappointed in about the first 30 seconds.
I was at the midnight release, except I was waiting up for Alice: Madness Returns while everyone else there for Duke Nukem Forever. Felt bad for the others after the reviews scores came out.
At least you got to experience first to let your friends know not to try it
DNF never releasing was my favorite running joke back in the day. I was so sad just that it was finally coming out. And then for the game to be a complete dumpster fire on top of it. They killed a great joke for absolutely nothing.
so this one time I had a $20 best buy gift card, I saw DNF for sale for $3, I still couldn’t do it, even though I would still have $17 left on the gift card that I got for free, the price was too high.
Strange, I remember that date, and that afternoon. My former girlfriend thought she was pregnant because onions made her gag like her mom did while she was pregnant.
Trip to planned parenthood that afternoon.
Wherever Erica may be now. I hope she’s doing good.
Underrated game tbh. No way as terrible as people make it out to be. It had some fun level design, like the one where you shrunk yourself and drove around on an RC. It’s not a great game, but I’d gladly give it 7/10.
I had a pre-order for Earthbound 64, because I didn’t think that you could pre-order a game in full and still have it get cancelled. I actually have no idea what I did once it was cancelled, maybe it was just refunded onto my mom’s credit card?
That’s not your fault. You’d think after around a century in development the game wouldn’t be horrifically bad.
I got it too on ps3 … that was a waste of money
Dang 6.0 State tax WTF loll
Holy shit, that’s a r/fuckimold moment. That was 2011?
Hey at least you didn’t preorder No Man’s Sky, Fallout 76 and Cyberpunk BACK TO BACK like an idiot I know (I’m the idiot)
Bought it on ebay for 5 dollars, played it on Xbox One…Yeah, its mostly shit, but im glad i beat it because this game is a big part of gaming history…
I still have the little special edition bust on my shelf to remind me to never preorder.
That was one of the last great preorders I ever got with a premium on it. Got the Duke bust, playing cards, poker chips and other small cool shit.
i bought the collector’s edition, i don’t regret my purchase since i knew what i was getting into.
I played it in the late 2010s after picking it up on sale after never paying attention to the franchise (but aware of it).
Found it to be meh, but got a few good afternoon gaming sessions out of it.
Can’t imaging what would be going through the mind of someone playing it at launch after over a decade of waiting for it.
I saw a used copy of this game at a GameStop for 99 whole cents maybe 6 months after it came out
Did you learn anything?
I think the word you’re looking for is receipt and not recipe. One is what you got, the other is what you make.
Damn that’s like $90 in today money.
Didnt live up to the hype
I have one for Starcraft: Ghost.
I pre ordered TF2, and the store went out of buisness before it was released. KB Toys if memory serves me.
Lol. 2011 and then next year i saw it in a $5 bin
I hope it tasted good
Please don’t be sad about it. It’s so easy to look back with judgement and regret our decisions, but think about how you felt at the preorder (don’t preorder, you are harming the system). You were excited about something and you set high expectations. Unfortunately it didn’t live up to the hype (and I remember the hype for that one). Oh well!
All these years later you look back and laugh because that didn’t hurt you or cause you to stop gaming, and the rest of us that understand this are laughing in solidarity with you, enjoying this moment with a brother/sister in gaming.
It was one little thing in a series of things that made you who you are. It was a lesson. It was a youth well spent.
And Erica may have benefited from your preorder so you helped her buy a game of her own. Or a joint. Or a sandwich. Long live Erica the game store clerk!
Dunno what I’m saying; ignore me. I’m getting older and thinking back on my gaming years with fondness. Every game I bought was a piece of who I became. Every adventure a moment in my development. Yesterday I was a pirate. Today I’m a treasure hunter. Tomorrow I’ll kill Nazi scum. Next week I’ll tear down some metal scarecrows with my car, a harpoon, and a hunchbacked blackfinger sidekick. Gaming is awesome.