I still have my Half Life CD Key sticker in my wallet. Did it back in the day so I could let my friends use it when steam first came out. Then I just started transferring it wallet to wallet over the years.
Meine BG1 und 2 Boxen + so 30-40 andere games sind leider bei der Flut letztes jahr draufgegangen, der größte Verlust was persönliche Habseligkeiten angeht 🙁
Ultima 9 was my first open world game ever. It was a buggy mess and near impossible to complete because something would always break, but holy shit did I love it as a kid. Getting to weird parts of the map and discovering magic weapons or a treasure chest filled with jewels and a new spell was on another level of exciting.
Elden ring is the first open world game ive felt that level of thrill from since then when it comes to exploring and just finding weird shit out there and magic weapons. Open world has been in such a sad state for so long.
BG2 is my favorite game of all time. It’s not open world but it provides that same thrill going to side area, beating a boss, and finding super unique loot. No green/blue/purple nonsense. No random stats. Just carefully crafted magic weapons and armor. I love it. Old games are on another level. I’m so glad elden ring has come in and brought all that excitement back. Bonus points for cheesy shit working in elden ring. That hardly exists in modern games with everything so perfectly calculated and optimized. 12 year old me never would have beat BG2 if I didn’t discover a 4 mage team and how broken magic was.
BG 1 and 2 some of the best games ever made
The golden era
Dam bg and half life. So awesome. Had like the 7 disc set for pc when I was around 10 or so for boulders gate two I think.
Simpler times
Now thats hot
Does the BG2 Box still include the written DnD adventure? I got the same box
My brother wrote some the music for ultima.
I loved the Ultima series up through 7.5
Was disappointed in 8. And the less said about 9 the better…
Half life. Deamn. I remember I used to own sierra entarteinment half life CD back in 2000s.. Still my favorite game series of all time.
Ah, the Half-Life GOTY edition. Had the exact same box. Awesome, awesome game.
Nostalgia hit straight to the brain. BG 1 & 2 amazing stuff and they look well kept. Love half life as well.
Baldur’s Gate II and Ultima IX: Ascension had awesome box arts
This is the way
German version of Half Life – with the gold old Marine Corps Robots?
“What’s a Paladin?”
Shout out to my old Spoony fans
I still have my Half Life CD Key sticker in my wallet. Did it back in the day so I could let my friends use it when steam first came out. Then I just started transferring it wallet to wallet over the years.
Half Life ! Respect ✊🏼
So sieht es auf unserem Dachboden auch aus. Ein guter Fund voller Nostalgie.
I logged a metric crap-ton of hours in NFS2SE, if you can’t tell by my username.
FZR 2000!!!11!
Half-Life in deutsch war ein schreckliches Verbrechen.
Meine BG1 und 2 Boxen + so 30-40 andere games sind leider bei der Flut letztes jahr draufgegangen, der größte Verlust was persönliche Habseligkeiten angeht 🙁
‘ nostalgic music’
“What’s a Paladin?”
I still have a collectors big box edition of Baldurs Gate 2 in shrink wrap. Has a sticker on it for a coupon inside for Icewind Dale.
I’ve played BG2, once every year since it came. I have hear Waukeens Promenade in my head just talking about it
I still have tons of old PC games on cd
Back when games were games and not vessels for political and social agendas.
I’ve found BG2 box at my parents house few days ago. Now it has its honorary position on my shelf.
So you **found** your own stuff in your own house. Congrats.
Ultima 9 was my first open world game ever. It was a buggy mess and near impossible to complete because something would always break, but holy shit did I love it as a kid. Getting to weird parts of the map and discovering magic weapons or a treasure chest filled with jewels and a new spell was on another level of exciting.
Elden ring is the first open world game ive felt that level of thrill from since then when it comes to exploring and just finding weird shit out there and magic weapons. Open world has been in such a sad state for so long.
BG2 is my favorite game of all time. It’s not open world but it provides that same thrill going to side area, beating a boss, and finding super unique loot. No green/blue/purple nonsense. No random stats. Just carefully crafted magic weapons and armor. I love it. Old games are on another level. I’m so glad elden ring has come in and brought all that excitement back. Bonus points for cheesy shit working in elden ring. That hardly exists in modern games with everything so perfectly calculated and optimized. 12 year old me never would have beat BG2 if I didn’t discover a 4 mage team and how broken magic was.
Ultima 9 was an abortion of a game.
I remember getting a copy of Ultima 4 with that awesome map and book from the apple store after getting my 2c, the nostalgia is strong.
Gamestop: Best I can do is three beans and a moldy piece of bread
Add Q3A and you have the beginning of my gaming on PC days. Still love those games.