Found driving through MO
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Found driving through MO
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Moronic, misinformed, Reich Wing RUBES!
“Sucks to suck”.
Keep voting against yourselves, the South.
And yeah, MO, as long as you have Josh Hawley, you’re the motherfucking South.
I’m from KC and vote D. I shake my head daily at the shit I see in the unintelligent hinterland of MO….
Imagine being so butthurt about an election you are compelled to make 2 shitty signs
It’s sad how dumb a lot of people are in the states.
Whenever I see shit like this I can’t help but wonder to myself… Who ties their shoes for them?
Trump was paid $5.4million by China and he paid $200k in taxes to China – yet Biden is ‘China Joe’
Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy theory when you’re living in the Maga Loony Echo Chamber
Classy neighbourhood.
It is truly amazing how twisted some people can be and still manage to operate a life.
Just in case anyone was wondering, I , u/crayfl , do not agree with the message being shared by this unhinged redneck.
I have friends that adore Trump. When I ask a simple question like “what has he done for you?” They respond with “he made America great” with no concrete evidence. “What?” Because we can say Merry Christmas. Noice.
It’s the door that looks like someone smeared their poop all over it in the background that really sells the whole image
I like the ‘about everything’ part, nice touch. It tells you exactly to whom you are speaking.
Can confirm. Missouri resident. I can’t go to rural areas without seeing TRUMP 2024 or FARMERS FOR TRUMP which I just do not understand. 8 years ago farmers in Missouri would have laughed at you if you asked them what they thought about Donald Trump
Ah shit, they convinced me. Ok, I’ll vote for Trump next time! It was the chalkboard that really sealed the deal. Just like the spray painted pallet in my town telling me Covid was a hoax is why I never got my vaccine. Thank goodness for these brave citizens!
As an STL resident this is definitely some central Missouri stuff. I feel sorry for anyone not in Missouri’s major cities.
Imagine making an orange shitgibbon a central part of your identity….
I read China Joe to the tune of “China Grove”
“Here’s your sign.”
How sad is it? These peoples’ loyalty is so inexpensive that Trump got ride-or-die from them for the low low price of empty kind words and a pat on the head. They were that desperate and attention starved.
He then would openly lie to their faces, take donations for causes that never happened, and pardoned people that blatantly stole from them. Even abandoned the Jan 6th folks and left them to rot in prison.
They stayed bought, though. Pathetic.
Move out of Southern California, they say. The cost of living is so much lower, they say. Ya, no.
Who reads crude signs like this and think, ‘yep, this is a sound argument’ ffs these ppl are so stupid it hurts
To translate for people not from the US: “I’m a crazy asshole don’t waste time talking to me.”
Graphic design is my passion
Poor asshole.
Who are these people trying to impress with these stupid signs? No one is going to change their politics based on a poorly formatted display like this.
Maybe the point is just for people to show that they are a member of a certain group.
On behalf of the many sensible Missourians, sorry.