Found a sword hiking near an old clearcut. BC south coast.
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Found a sword hiking near an old clearcut. BC south coast.
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Some cosplayer was heart broken.
Whoa sick what are the stats
That’s really cool. Kinda old I’m guessing because of the pitting. Is the cross guard welded to the blade? Better pics would be nice. Also there’s a few subreddits you could post this on, people are crazy good at figuring stuff out.
+4 Att -2 Def +1 MP
Film industry is pretty active in Vancouver, perhaps this was a prop that was lost?
You didn’t pull it out of the ground near some rocks, did you?
Better clean yourself up. Everyone knows kings who find swords in wildernesses don’t have shit all over themselves.
Are you sure it wasn’t thrown at you by some watery tart?
Don’t clean it, you’ll destroy the seasoning.
Did you have to drop anything?
There can be only one
I regret to inform you that you’re the king of England now. Sorry. I don’t make the rules.
All hail the new King of West-England!
That wins the rate my stick competition
You are now the King of Canada.

Best I can do is 45 gold
I’m a metal fabricator and hobby blacksmith and I would say this is just some back yard back smiths failed project. Film props are meant to look better than this and you can blatantly see the bad welds where the ricasso meets the guard. It also looks hand hammered and uneven making me think it’s a back yard blacksmith. I use to have a tradition of discarding my old failed knives in bodies of water or specific spots in the bush. I’m not the only blacksmith that does this and I think you found one.
Did you ask the sword where it was on a hike to?
The craftsmanship is atrocious. Looks like it was made with an angle grinder and a stick welder. Probably some teenagers LARPing in the woods.
That looks fabricated in a shop with a welder and an angle grinder.
looks like a metal shop class experiment.
If it’s near Campbell River I worked a huge film there in the 90’s called ” the 13th warrior ” a viking epic with antionio Banderas.. it was set in a field of huge first growth stumps
Prop from the 13th Warrior would be my guess
Was it distributed to you by a strange woman lying in a pond?
Swords like that definitely weren’t in major use by the time BC was settled.
The forests around BC are frequently used in filming locations, and the sword must’ve been there for at least 10-15 years to rust up like that. Just from a quick google search the movie “In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale” was filmed in the area in 2007, so it might be a prop from that movie.
I only spent like 10 minutes googling, so their may be another potential film I haven’t considered, but I’m pretty sure this is a forgotten movie prop. Still a cool find!
To reinforce what u/Purple-Chipmunk154 said, that isn’t an artifact. I’m a professional archaeologist and work with an individual that is a professional blacksmith that makes reproductions for museums.
It is either a prop for a movie or someone’s failed attempt at their own recreation. I am leaning towards the latter because it appears to be built by someone not familiar with proper techniques for creating a functioning sword and too heavy to be effectively used as a prop.
Dude out here finding side quests