Found a copy at my used game store, how does it hold up in comparison to the rest of the entries?
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Found a copy at my used game store, how does it hold up in comparison to the rest of the entries?
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It’s one of the best games of its era. It’s very very good.
My absolute favorite of the pre X games.
9 is my favorite of the franchise and I think its story, music and characters hold up. The gameplay however does not. The game is generally very slow, both in battle and in the overworld and when it comes to actual performance of the game, and the trance system is more annoying due to the fact you have no say on when it activates. Too many times will it activate right at the end of the battle and therefore its wasted because it doesn’t carry over.
I still think its worth the play 100%
honestly one of the best
I see this, and all I hear is Steiner’s rusty armor clanking as he screams “PRINNNNCESS!”
Think it’s time for a revisit.
Honestly my favorite of the whole franchise
My personal favorite.
Aged very well. 10/10 music like most final fantasies, I personally enjoy the chocobo side quest and card game (even though it’s worse that triple triad)
Biggest issue is that the side party characters just get a small little arc and then are forgotten to the background but very much worth a playthrough today.
(I’d recommend the steam version though because the QOL speed modifiers are just too nice to go without imho)
I played it for the first time about 2 or 3 years ago, a super easy JRPG to love, it’s charming, it’s characters are amazing. The gameplay isn’t super unique or special but it’s classic FF gameplay so it’s pretty fun
It’s the best
Older gamers seem to like this one more as it’s more of a throwback to medieval themed final fantasies.
Um….it’s my favorite
I don’t think it has the best characters in the series but I think the story itself is fantastic…the art style is phenomenal…I love how it ties in to the original series….and the music is some of my favorite as well
7 and 10 hold special places for me…but overall I think this one is my favorite of the series
Still have my original copy!!
FF9 always felt like a love letter to all the FFs that came before it. 10/10 worth playing
You just asked if The Lord of the Rings holds up when compared to other books.
I cried at the end. Some of the best characters in any FF game. My 2nd favorite just under 6.
It’s my favorite. Graphics are understandably dated, but I just love the world.
Vivi MVP
Best in the franchise IMO
Personal opinion given my puddle of experience. 7>10>9>8. Ten subject to change based on nostalgia (I’m probably not going to go back to play that one).
Best in the series imo
Really good story and characters, some of the mechanics are a little jank. But it is considered one of the better games in the series. Grats on getting it and I envy you for being able to play it for the first time.
out of the ps1 games, its probably the most adventurous. you go a lot of weird places and see lots of strange things. even thought the characters look and act cartoony, the story goes real deep.
9 is my absolute favorite Final Fantasy, and second most favorite JRPG (After Chrono Trigger)
It’s a great game but will look awful -barely playable – on modern TVs or monitors.
The best IN the series imho. 6 and 7 are good, but man 9 is just so cozy and beautiful
Best one
It’s a love letter to classic RPGs. Wish we could see more like it.
It’s my wife’s favourite mainline Final Fantasy game, and she’s played them all except XIV and XVI.
The art style is pretty different than the surrounding entries, but the game is great
Best FF if you asked me
It’s my top 3 FF games. My order if 7, 8, then 9.
I love all three of these games.
It’s a wonderful love letter to the classic, pre-FFVII games. It’s an underrated gem in my opinion
This game is an absolute MASTERPIECE. Easily my favorite overall. It just has a mind blowing mixture of gameplay and story that is incredible even today. I hope you have a blast with it like I did as a kid.
After playing FF16 I felt a great urge to go back and play a classic Final Fantasy game and this was on of the few I never touched. I can say without a doubt it is very high on my FF ranks now. Loved so many of the main cast.
After the future/magic stuff that FF drifted into with 6, 7, and 8, it was hailed as a return to form.
It’s also available on PC for Steam, if you haven’t played.
Fantastic game. Biggest criticism is that the “Limit” system isn’t under your control and doesnt activate when you want it to. But super fun and great story.
FF9 was the best of the games until I started playing 14. It is well worth your time.
One of the Best games Period
It is really good. The magic system is solid, the graphics are adorable and clear. Cutscenes are gorgeous especially given the era. The story is epic. Great game. 7 was a masterpiece, 8 was meh, 9 brought it back round. I have Vivi as my avatar on my PS5 lol.
My favorite. Who doesn’t love vivi.
I’d rate it a solid 8/10 even today
I think it holds up
One of the most well written video games in history, the characters are truly alive.
Vivi as an idea, a character, could very well have saved my life at different points in my life from a spiritual perspective.
My favorite of the PS1 final fantasys. 7 floored people when it came out, and 8 is graphically prettier, but I find 9 just more fun to play through all these years later.
Best one on the PS1
Honestly. It’s in contention for the best one. It’s basically a love letter to the old style of Final Fantasy games. After 7 changed everything and they went in the new direction with 8 and on.
You do not ask how IX holds up in comparison to the rest of entries, you ask how rest of entries compare to FFIX.
Of 100 nobles watching, 100 were impressed.