Found a cool collectors edition Gears 2 and it had this picture of Dom and Maria
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Found a cool collectors edition Gears 2 and it had this picture of Dom and Maria
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I still gave the red hard cover strategy guide. So dope. I still have this and the gold lancer used code it came with.
Didn’t he blow her head off with a Boltok or am I misremembering that
Gears brings back so many old memories with friends i no longer talk to…
Oh that’s cool I was playing gears tactics earlier
I was just explaining to a friend today how great these games were. The story was just heartbreaking for Dom and Maria. The trailers for the games were amazing.
Not GoW 2 but I do still have the Marcus Statue, COG Medal and Artbook from Gears 3. Got lucky enough to get the Artbook signed by a couple devs at the midnight release. These old things bring back memories
Oddly enough I play this for the first time in about 13 years today. Man what a game
Oh, damn, that’s feeeeels.
I just remember having gears2_trailer.3gp alongside halo2_blowmeaway.3gp on my brick phone in like 2009
This was one of the coolest cases ever. It was metal and looked so sick.
I had that picture of Maria hanging up in my room until I was 30
still have it around my desk somewhere
That broke my heart finally finding Maria. That solidified that there is no hope for a miracle in the Gears Of War universe
Nice to see you got one with with all the tid bits. I got mine for $10 about 8 or so years back.
Core memory unlocked. I still remember the weird texture of that hardcover
Gears of War 1 = best Gears
My best buds and I played a lotta gears growing up. Honestly, probably delayed us from drifting apart for several years after we all moved.
I remember owning this. That pic hits different when you finish the game, or at least it did for me.
Even worse if you read the books. She was never the same after their kids got killed during eday. She was alive as stranded for more than a decade crazy to think. Wish dom got a happier ending but he was ready to die at the start of gears 3. He just needed his end to mean something. Carlos, Dominick and Marcus were brothers.
Dom’s story through that series hits so incredibly hard at at least one point in every game. A lot of people forget that the Gears trilogy had a really solid story, and just remembered that it spawned the ‘chest high wall shooter’ genre
Sheesh. Used to love gears of war. I had thousands of hours in cover on multiplayer because that was how they tracked game time lol
Gear 1 and 2 were so good. Finally finding Maria was one of the most heart wrenching things ever.
Pur the photo in a frame and tell people they’re your parents
Mah hart. Mah sol
And you got a sick gold Lancer skin
I really liked that book too, it had the first look at the Pendulum era Lancer (the giant bayonet) that would go on to be great in Gears 3
That was one of the first steel books I ever got, I also liked that that photo is the in game photo that Dom has and the one he looks at before the big end in 3
Thanks for the flashbacks!
Thats very cool
This only highlights how terrible the gaming industry has declined in quality, this makes me incredibly sad.
Thank you.
Wanted to comment I got this today at a local game shop and Gears 1 limited edition! So happy I picked them up!