Forced labor at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola in 2015. Picture from The Atlantic.
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Forced labor at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola in 2015. Picture from The Atlantic.
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The article where this image is from: [https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/09/prison-labor-in-america/406177/](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/09/prison-labor-in-america/406177/)
Documentary from The Atlantic at Louisiana State Penitentiary: [https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/404305/angola-prison-documentary/](https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/404305/angola-prison-documentary/)
“Slavery with extra steps”
I feel definite Cool Hand Luke vibes.
Slavery is alive and well
Some of these dudes could be in this system for a couple grams of weed. Louisianas drug laws are heinous, as is “forced labor”.
Reminds me of the “Work capable” Jews during a particular time period 😏
Wasn’t Angola a former plantation, that was turned into a prison after the civil war, where former slaves were re-enslaved to work the fields?
This is just slavery but without the whip
~~Forced labor~~ Slavery at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola in 2015. Picture from The Atlantic.
Fixed it.
I know our local prison farm is a super desirable sentence to get. I’ve seen guys choose a shorter stint at the farm over a longer stint of probation.
Besides, all federal prisoners work. They make most of the furniture, uniforms, and body armor the government buys. I’d way rather be out in the fields, even in the Southeast, than stuck making helmets or stuffing blue couch cushions.
What happens if you just don’t work?
13th amendment allows for involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime, that’s why they give non-violent drug offenders time in double digits.
Sugar cane stalks are extremely sharp and gloves should be issued. These are some great books on the subject. https://louisiana.libguides.com/slaveryprisonindustrialcomplex/readings
Wait till y’all hear about the [Angola Rodeo](https://www.angolamuseum.org/rodeo).
Fun, not so fun fact: Slavery in the form of involuntary servitude for punishment was not abolished and perfectly legal by the constitution. This is technically legal slavery.
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, *except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States*, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2.
Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
There’s gotta be a shorter way to say “forced labor”, maybe something that’s just one word….hmmmmm.
The majority of Angola prisoners will die there. Working in the fields or animal areas or rodeo is an earned and sought after privilege. The real crime is the adjudication and sentencing in LA
Let’s be fair , If I’ve done enough to get in there and the choice is sit inside a concrete cage or be using my hands outside , it’s not really a hard choice . It encourages me to not do dumbshit and lose this one thing that connects me to the outside . Just how I see it
Why is everyone so against this? You did something wrong and to be made to work while in prison is suddenly such a bad thing? I love Reddit for a lot of reasons but man most of you redditors are so one track minded it’s crazy. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted for stating an opinion but oh well
“Takin’ it off now, boss.”
Slavery never ended in the US, the 13th just gave the state a monopoly on it.
Why the hell SHOULDN’T they have to work? WE are paying for their room and board, because they’re fuckups. Make them work to live like everyone else has to.
Forced?…you literally have to apply to the programe for it and only “trustees” can get in it. Most dudes want it because you get out of prison and be outside for the day.
Tons of inmates around the country when asked about labor details have said they’d want to if they could.
EDIT: To those of you who think prisons work release programs are wrong. I’d love to invite you to some of the institutions I’ve been too that have them and announce to the prison population that participate in it your plan to “save” them by banning jt.
I can bet as sure as you were born the reaction you will receive will be far less than stellar.
Nothing weird about this!☺️
Now, *WHAT* we got here is a failure to communicate.
I saw someone in a T-shirt that said, “Angola: a gated community.”
This is just slavery with extra steps
Private prisons are far worse.
A year of minimum wage is much less than the cost to house a prisoner. The problem with this arrangement is that it incentivizes incarceration.
I get that it looks like all black men (edit: there are at least two white guys in there) picking cotton, but isn’t it a good idea to give these guys something to do while in prison?
For instance I toured san quentin a few years back and some of the inmates were learning how to build furniture – a good trade for when they get out.
I’ve also seen chain gangs in other states working to clean up weeds along the street and garden. But yes, they’re chained together.
If you give them a way to learn how to do a job, isn’t that beneficial in the long run or do people just get pissed because it’s inmates being forced to work? Picking cotton isn’t a great job but any job has to be more beneficial than getting into trouble with other inmates.
Curious what others think.
Ot isn’t forced at all. It is volunatry and they don’t have to do it.
Don’t go to jail 🤷♂️
Title says forced labor but my impression was that outside work details were seen as a privilege among work details and it is way better than working the laundry or something. I don’t have any real info though other than watching a couple seasons of 60 days in and real jail lockup or whatever that lifetime docuseries was.
This is one of the pillars of the US economy> prisons. It is not surprising that the US has the highest number of people in jail…
Lol simping for violent criminals. Peak reddit.
*State Sanctioned Slavery
Louisianian here. The Angola rodeo is still very much a thing. The prisoners are not forced to participate in the rodeo. They actually want to participate in the events. A very large percentage of the prisoners are doing life there, so the rodeo is a way for them to win money and break their everyday routine. I believe the event where they sit at the poker table wins $500. Also the ones you see in the picture are working their own crops. The prisoners grow a lot of their own food etc. In addition to the rodeo event, there is a huge craft fair. Prisoners do woodworking, jewelry making and leatherwork. They get to sell all the stuff they make.
Slavery *Cough* SLAVERY!
well, that’s def not forced labor, that’s a work detail and the ones out there choose to work on that detail, they grow all of their own vegetables on the property.
Labor should be mandatory for all prisoners. If you made prison more like the real world wouldn’t the reincarceration rate go down? Im sure they’re rather work on the outside than on the inside.