My main issue is understanding how the kerbal space program stuff works. For a long time I couldn’t work out how to use separation staging so my parachute would inevitably deploy with the whole first stage engine still attached and I had to hope I put in enough structure between the engine and capsule that when the engine exploded on hitting the ground the capsule survived. Lol.
Just slowly moving the population of kerbin to the moon, one crashed rescue mission at a time.
My main issue is understanding how the kerbal space program stuff works. For a long time I couldn’t work out how to use separation staging so my parachute would inevitably deploy with the whole first stage engine still attached and I had to hope I put in enough structure between the engine and capsule that when the engine exploded on hitting the ground the capsule survived. Lol.
Bill Kerbin is still up there, in a stranded lab capsule. Floating around the Mun’s Orbit.
2 years he’s been there, and I don’t have the heart to tell him I have no idea how to send something to his exact co-ordinates to retrieve him.
Getting a steady flow of science from him though.
Good on ya Bill.
That hairline went up in flames years ago. (Looks in mirror) believe me I know
This made me nauseous…
“Alright Jeb, you’ll be flying our new prototype!”
“Ok. What am I flying?”
“It’s called the Untitled Space Craft.”
“Oh god.”
They’re so brave (salute)
Kerbal 2 Feb 24
Spent so many hours in the first not sure if I have the time for the second but I’ll try..
Me playing KSP for the first time: Tutorial? Who needs a goddamn tutorial? It can’t be that hard, give me a rocket.
Me, three hours later, deep into a Scott Manley tutorial: Whoo hoo I can finally fly past the Mun!
Doodooshitter2 my favourite rocket
They will definitely suffer
I’ve lost count of how many I’ve killed.
I just pretend they’re criminals before flying them into the sun
Here I am planning an outpost for Eve knowing damn well the two scientists and engineer I send up are not returning.
So many Jebs lost to trial-and-error
Nah I just wanted to see the explosion when u rocket him into the ground at Mach 5
Who’s excited about KSP 2 being released in 4 weeks!? I’m hoping it’s good, but part of me thinks it’ll be a disappointment.
Well, yes, but the first mission is literally “rocket go up”, the only possible way you could fauk this is if you forget the parachute.
I thought we just strap as many thrusters as we can onto the rocket
Let’s be fair here. They know what they are.
Space Petards.
I like in the first game how they mention that well if you simply blow up you can just hire more kerbals
Apoapsis, Periapsis… Same thing right?
Its for the greater good.
I was so bad that I somehow didn’t even manage to kill them… they all just had these lame crashes and walked back to base
Call me what you will but the shit fuck pit mark III is looking promising today.