For the Europeans wondering why Americans don’t use more bikes, I present the Death Trap that is Brooklyn’s Grand Street Bike Lane
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For the Europeans wondering why Americans don’t use more bikes, I present the Death Trap that is Brooklyn’s Grand Street Bike Lane
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These are actually the things cops should be aggressively ticketing. It’s a low hanging fruit and guaranteed to change behavior. Disgusting how many cars just put their hazards on in the bike lane and think that’s okay
Yeah… Bicycle traffic in American cities is nothing more than an afterthought. They just weren’t designed with bicycles in mind. Even the most bike friendly cities are still dangerous as hell…
You know there are other places than America and Europe who ride bikes right?
Not everywhere in Europe cycles.
The cycling infrastructure around me in England is abysmal to non-existent.
In my city the bike lanes take you through the middle of 50mph traffic.
yeah fuck that
I wouldn’t be caught dead riding a bike in the city. Mostly because I would most assuredly be dead if I were on a bike and you can’t catch anything that’s already dead.
I’ve recently started biking and I feel invisible to traffic. Just yesterday I almost got hit walking my bike across a cross walk by someone turning left onto the street I was crossing. Same thing happened in the same intersection a couple weeks prior. This is along a designated bike route. Nearly got side swiped a couple times as well.
Europeans aren’t wondering why Americans don’t use more bikes, they’re wondering why more people don’t care to correct this
Yeah, I wouldn’t want to cycle there either.
Not only is it clearly dangerous, it also simply doesn’t look like a nice place to cycle through. Tons of traffic, concrete everywhere, dull buildings. No thanks.
This video passed by my apartment! =D
It’s like this every day. I hate this road.
Bars are cool though.
Shame on NYC.
It’s almost like all of the critics who said shoe-horning bike lanes into super busy areas of NYC was a bad idea, happened to be right.
I’d be way more sympathetic to the bicyclists if they actually behaved themselves and weren’t extremely dangerous to pedestrians in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Aggressive bicyclists clip pedestrians all the time in Manhattan, nearly everyone I know has had a close call or two.
NYC should’ve just put dedicated bus lanes everywhere and went for a bi-modal pedestrian + gradually electrified bus transportation network.
That looks great compared to Columbus, Ohio!
Also because I live 12 miles from work and that’s the closest job I’ve ever had.
Pizza Trike! That’s my buddy, Sal. If you see this: hi Sal, how ya been?