The issues that were caused with my woman when I had to do the Cabaret Club in Yakuza 0, and that dam catchy theme song in the customising menu for the girls. She’d always be like “you playing that soliciting game again?” as I attempt to sing along to the song, pick out the best possible outfits, and unlock Mad Dog Style. Countless hours spent, none wasted! Great game, great series
Same but when I play Cyberpunk. No honey! I did a mission for her and now she wants to thank me! Or… it’s character creation I’m choosing his penis size.
GTA in a nutshell EVERYTIME MY PARENTS WATCHED ME LOAD INTO GTA ONLINE AS A CHILD MY CHARACTERS ONLY LOAD IN IS HER IN THE SHOWER. Or in story the fucking strip club I didn’t do either a single damned time but somehow some way when my parents are around now I look weird lmfao
As a joke we named one of our discord channels “The Sex Dungeon”. A new guy was gaming with us and his wife started yelling at him wondering why he was in a channel called the sex dungeon. After that we renamed “his name’s Sex Dungeon”
Hmm maybe it’s time to play Yakuza again 🤔
Never played it but now I have a reason to
Its not.. but it should be
Well, if you google some the hostess names..
Mine walks in when there’s a bunch of dudes in diapers.
If you’re going to use a fucking word, fucking use the fucking word! Porn! It’s a fucking word!
The issues that were caused with my woman when I had to do the Cabaret Club in Yakuza 0, and that dam catchy theme song in the customising menu for the girls. She’d always be like “you playing that soliciting game again?” as I attempt to sing along to the song, pick out the best possible outfits, and unlock Mad Dog Style. Countless hours spent, none wasted! Great game, great series
Had this experience with Baldur’s Gate 3. My fiance walked in right as a nude dwarf was laying down underneath a massive naked red succubus.
You’re allowed to say porn
so uuuh does it get better after this
Thank God you censored the word porn.
Same but when I play Cyberpunk. No honey! I did a mission for her and now she wants to thank me! Or… it’s character creation I’m choosing his penis size.
Does anyone know the name of dark haired???
i’m gonna get it just for this lol
Mass Effect, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077….
Why would anyone selfcensor the word porn?
As someone who never played any Yakuza games, which one should I be a blast to play first? Obviously, asking for a friend…
Thats why you date bi chicks they love watching shit like that with you they get it
GTA in a nutshell EVERYTIME MY PARENTS WATCHED ME LOAD INTO GTA ONLINE AS A CHILD MY CHARACTERS ONLY LOAD IN IS HER IN THE SHOWER. Or in story the fucking strip club I didn’t do either a single damned time but somehow some way when my parents are around now I look weird lmfao
Which yakuza game is this?
I ve only played yakuza 0 and Kiwami so far.
Yakuza has Red Alert like cutscenes?
Happy to see Yakuza/Like a Dragon outside of r/yakuzagames
Funny thing is, most girls in Yakuza are actually pornstars in real life.
Fine ill be the one to ask it. Source on bottom pic?
The first time my mother saw me playing gta, was when your torturing someone, lmffffao
It’s like this with wrestling too 🤣
we need a sub just for abuse of NSFW tag
Why did I hear that in Ricks voice when he tells Morty you can’t fuck it.
Why is it nsfw? Its just a woman with a dress.
Jeez people are so hurt about a censored word.
As a joke we named one of our discord channels “The Sex Dungeon”. A new guy was gaming with us and his wife started yelling at him wondering why he was in a channel called the sex dungeon. After that we renamed “his name’s Sex Dungeon”
who is sheeeee!!!!!!
The Witcher 3 had me with this too lol
I like how we have aged. This headline evolved from -mom- to -wife- walking in on us.
Gamer 4 life!
That is kaname ai! She is my favorite, her ending scene is sooo sexyyyyy!!
It actually features IRL porn actress lmao
You know you can say ‘porn’ on the internet. The amount of posts I see censoring out swears is ridiculous
Which Yakuza game in particular is the top photo taken from?
Guess it’s time to start playing Yakuza.
To think the bottom one is easier to explain compared to Mr Libido running around Kamurucho.
>For the 100th time, it’s not p***!
Yeah, but the other 99 times it *totally* was.
So glad you censored the word porn so I didn’t think about pornography, the act of recording people having sex.
Use the ultimate move:
“Oh hey honey! Wanna have sex while watching **porn**?”
Why the fuck did you censor porn?
Fun fact the RGG hostesses tend to be IRL adult actresses.
But Yakuza is a Karaoke game with some fights in it, isnt it?