For April Fools, I did the ol’ switcheroo with yogurt and watched my students gaze in disgusted horror as I casually ate during class.
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For April Fools, I did the ol’ switcheroo with yogurt and watched my students gaze in disgusted horror as I casually ate during class.
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😂😂😂😂😂Good one❣
I mean, straight yogurt is still gross
Nicely done!
Honestly that’s not much mayo if it was mayo
More shock and horror if you use a boba straw instead of a spoon.
Love it.
This is what a prank should be.
Go one step further, slice up some apple, dip into jar and crunch away.
Plot twist, its still just mayonnaise
Scene from Notting Hill depicts this by Hugh Grant’s flat mate.
A kid at my elementary school did this with vanilla pudding and man was the cafeteria wild
Excessive use of tongue?
You should have done the Mrs Lippy. Smile and put it all over your face.
That’s funny, and creative. Good job OP.
I’m that much of a manwhore for mayonnaise that I would eat a whole jar. I’m being deadly serious. I love mayo. It’s soooooooo good
Get some chocolate chips and sprinkle them into the jar, and make sure others are around to see you so it!
One of my employees dumped out someone’s orange juice and replaced it with water mixed with macaroni and cheese powder. It was beautiful
Is it just me or is that jar kinda small?
would be a good lesson for a science class, about how you shouldn’t blindly trust the label if it isnt working like it should to make sure its the right thing
I had a buddy that would sneak booze into festivals in sunscreen bottles. The look of pure terror on passersby faces as he chugged a Coppertone bottle was priceless.
“It’s never too early for ice cream, Jim. …But we didn’t have any ice cream, so this is mayonnaise and black olives.”
As long as you are not eating Miracle Whip like some kind of savage.
A jar of library paste or Elmer’s glue would be more fun.
[“Don’t judge me.”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iip_p4oX_0g)
That IS disgusting… eating Hellmann’s like some ignorant, uncultured rube. People of fine taste eat Duke’s out of a jar.
I don’t think I could clean a jar of mayo well enough to not be disgusted eating anything else from it.
Why would they be disgusted? You were eating real Hellman’s and not that imitation crap that only pretends to be mayonnaise but is actually evil in white gooey form.
And then one kid in the back joins you while saying “FINALLY someone else who likes mayo this way!”