Monday, March 10All That Matters

For All Mankind — Season 4 Official Trailer | Apple TV+


  • Don’t care what anyone says, the show is super enjoyable for me. I hope that they continue this series for as long as they can. Maybe even expand it to other nations. The world building could possibly even lead to a sci-fi series branch off.

  • The FAM team has a great responsibility this season. Most likely, all the central characters will die of old age and the new characters need to be well constructed to take over the leadership of the show from the next season onwards. Toby Kebbell, from Servant, appears a lot in the trailer. Apple loves repeating actors in shows, by the way. I think it should be a PR thing – “do a show with us and never be unemployed again”.

  • Well, this at least LOOKS more like it’s returning to the S1/S2 formula (although the insistence on never recasting – or retiring/killing – Ed or Margo is straight up laughable at this point, and the makeup isn’t helping).

    And what I mean is that S1/S2 were seasons where the characters progressed along their arcs as a response to what situations the plotting was putting them in. You felt like the characters were growing, responding, growing, reacting, regressing, reacting, based on the external pressures of the settings and the scientific problems being presented. Those two seasons told the stories of people through watching what happened to them when pressure was applied. It was fucking beautiful.

    Season 3 inverted this and it turned the show into kind of a dimbulb soap opera way too many times. Instead of scenarios and environments changing the characters, the characters just consistently did super-weird/dumb shit to artificially introduce drama, drama that was resolved in frankly weird and dumb ways.

    THIS at least seems to be going back to the idea that we’re going to find out who these people are, and what they’ve learned, by how they survive the external circumstances they find pressing down upon them.

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