Sunday, February 23All That Matters

Florida woman arrested for deadly pit bull attack in Escambia County


  • The Pitbull bites with almost the greatest frequency compared to other dogs (Chihuahua beats them) however their bite is the most damaging and fatal compared to other breeds. The combination of these two factors makes them too dangerous for private ownership, the breed unfortunately needs to be destroyed.

    You ever see that Game of Thrones scene where the girl fights the bear in the ring? That used to be a real sport in England…They’d release Pitbulls into the ring until the bear had torn up enough of them that it got tired and eventually the Pitbulls would win.

    It’s time your laws caught up with reality. Nobody should be allowed to own a Pitbull. This dog is bred to kill and no amount of good ownership or training can overcome this instinct.

  • Can anyone explain to me what is it with being white trash and owning a pit bull? Like what is the attraction between uneducated simpletons and pit bulls? why is that? serious question.

  • I wonder how this news conference doesn’t cause problems for the state’s case. It seems like her defense attorney would claim that it was influencing the jury and showing that the authorities presume guilt. I’m not a lawyer obviously but just curious.

  • I gave it a chance but, from experience, i don’t like pitbulls or pitbull owners.

    Stop trying to convince me how nice they are, they only like you and your family. Everyone else is just meat to them

    Source, I’ve dealt with neighbors and tenants with pitbulls and they are all the same in the end

  • People have a hard time with the statistical view of the world. It’s more complicated than black and white, it’s a probability cloud of things that might happen. Risk is understood this way in most industries, from car insurance to medical risk to investment risk, etc. You don’t cross some magic line where an event will occur or not occur, you just move down the probability curve the more efforts and measures you take.

    Not all pitbulls are bad or good. But pitbulls fuck people up vastly more than any other breed. Their risk stats are unacceptable. There is a layer of probability that you’d get a pitbull who is “bad” – aggressive and dangerous. Then there is another level of risk that the right conditions might trigger a “pretty good” one to strike. There might be some “very good” ones who could never be provoked, but they are simply to few in relation to violent incidents with this breed.

    I’m not saying the only solution is to destroy the breed. But if passionate owners want to maintain them and pay for extra measures, then some kind of licensing system similar to passing a firearms safety course could be created. Maniacs and people not in control of their lives enough to maintain safe restraint of the animals should not have pitbulls.

  • Never in my life have I seen so many people who claim to be good and wholesome ask for and support the extinction of a species. You can’t want something to die in mass scale and be the good guy at the same time ppl. I don’t care too much about why you think they should die or not just choose a lane. Eradication of a species is inherently evil you can’t want that and be the good guy. That’s not how it works.

  • What’s ridiculous to me is the animal control guy said his office doesn’t have a record of bite attacks and people need to report them to his office. Dude, you are standing next to the guy who has all those reports. I get that people call you for some things, and the police for others, but fuck me dude. Share notes with the guy standing next to you. Get on their notifications list for bite attacks. Someone just got bit by a dog, is probably needing to go to the hospital, already reported it to the police, and now needs to remember to also report it to animal control? Come on, my dude.

  • Pitbull owners are the worst. Had a lady with her pitbull running around outside with no leash and my 5 year old outside. She had the nerve to tell me don’t worry he is friendly. I just told my kid to come inside but I really wanted to tell her to F off but people like that are so unaware that it’s pointless to say anything.

  • They should outlaw the breeding of pit bulls, don’t put down any existing animals but just make sure the breed doesn’t continue. They are like a timebomb you could have one it’s whole life and it could be a wonderful pet or it could snap and hurt other pets or people , plus you can’t really know how well any owner will raise a potentially dangerous animal .

  • I’ve got 2 little boys (ages 3 & 7) and it’s always other people’s dogs that scare the shit out of me. We’ll be at the park or riding bikes and some dog comes around the corner barking and being an asshole. The owner is always full of smiles and apologies as they yell at their dog(s) but fuck that. If your dog is an asshole then keep it on a leash.

    Also, this is one of those things I’ve become more passionate about since becoming a dad. Like diaper changing stations in men’s restrooms. We really need more of those.

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