Five individual cinnamon rolls won’t fit in my air fryer. So I unravel them to make one big one.
View Reddit by JephriB – View Source
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Five individual cinnamon rolls won’t fit in my air fryer. So I unravel them to make one big one.
View Reddit by JephriB – View Source
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This ….. is brilliant.
But then you only get one center.
Look at all that inside part! Holy moly that’s smart
I’m calling the police
How’d it turn out?
Was there any problem with expanding?
But they were all of them deceived, for another cinnamon roll was made. In the land of Reddit, in the fires of an air fryer, /u/JephriB baked in secret a master cinnamon roll to control all others. And into this cinnamon roll he poured all his greed, his gluttony, and his will to dominate all pastries. One cinnamon roll to rule them all.
A giant cinnamon roll cake? This is the way.
One roll to rule them all…and in the air fryer bind them.
Splitting the atom and the wheel have nothing on this stroke of genius
r/absoluteunits ?
Don’t worry honey, I only ate one.
The Cinnamonster
This is the way.
probably easier to just use the oven
*Diabetes has entered the chat*
Do you not own an oven?
Those are really bad for you, OP, you shouldn’t eat it. I’ll happily dispose of it for you…
I like to straighten them out like french fries so they cook more quickly and I can dunk them in the frosting.
I don’t understand the spatial mechanics of the individual rolls not fitting, but the same amount turned into mega-roll does.
Wait… You can cook those in the air fryer?!?!
Where’s the after picture?
Here is a [link](https://redd.it/13iiri4) to the after photo for those of you who have requested it.
I’ve shared it a number of times as a response to requests, but almost all those comments are still at exactly one upvote, so I think Reddit must be suppressing or hiding the comments.
So, this is amazing, and I want to try it. We’re the results as excellent as I’m imagining? What settings/temperature did you go with? Is air frying really the right method for a cinnamon roll from a can? Please answer cuz I’m not fudging around over here – I’m gonna try this.
Edit: I see you already gave the deets in another comment. Thanks!
“330F 9 minutes on one side, flip and cook 8 minutes on the other side. Use parchment paper.”
If you ran for President you’d have my vote
So you must feel a bit like Oppenheimer now, huh?
This is the way.
Hold up. You can fucking air fry cinnamon rolls??
Level up option: place thinly sliced apple in the swirl.
That still only counts as one!
This is the way.
One roll to rule them all