First Image from Sam Mendes’ ‘Empire Of Light’, starring Olivia Coleman and shot by Roger Deakins.
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First Image from Sam Mendes’ ‘Empire Of Light’, starring Olivia Coleman and shot by Roger Deakins.
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Dude you’re on a roll with these first image posts.
*Deakins intensifies*
> Olivia Coleman
Photographers often say their subject isn’t photographing people or objects or landscapes but photographing light. Watching Roger Deakins’ work, I understand that now.
I don’t even need a trailer to know I’m going to see this.
Road To Perdition is terrible. Hope this is better
“Don’t be afraid of the zoom, you’re not Roger Deakins!”
Superbly shot!
Cannot stand Olivia Colman, will avoid this.
I saw the image first and was hoping for a new Empire Records movie. Blast.
You had me at popular director but popular actress and popular cinematographer too??
Jesus. Mendes+Coleman+Deakins. Doesn’t get much better than that. Hopefully isn’t a “one take” project. I LOVED *1917*, but once was enough for that gimmick. I wanna see what they do together without it.
Roger “the only cinematographer r/movies knows” Deakins
Shot by Deakins and starring Colman means it could be about literally anything and I’ll watch it.
Olivia *Colman* (no E).
Goddamn, look at that.