I wish you had posted the video as it actually makes it so much better hearing the surprise of the announces and the cheer that erupts out of the crowd
Monster Trucks are awesome. Sure there’s a bit of yeehaw redneck ‘Merica surrounding them like most motorsports in the US, but they are marvels of modern mechanical engineering. There’s a [video on the Hoonigan channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgeCCTayQBg) where they walk through “Son of Digger” and it’s fascinating. Also the [sheer horsepower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qapK1A454E) they produce is memorizing. If you ever have a chance to see them live you won’t regret it. Put your prejudices at the door and just enjoy the show, it’s amazing.
I did that on my bike when I was a kid. My bike didn’t have any brakes on it. I was going downhill on the street and I was picking up too much speed. Normal I would put my foot in the back tire to slow down but at that speed I was scared to. So instead I pressed it up against the front tire. As soon as my shoe went up against the forks, that front tire stop turning. The bike did a complete front flip and kept rolling down the street. A made it halfway but let go when my back hit the street.
I’ve been to one of these and it completely changed my view of monster truck shows.
They sold out a huge ballpark and it was by far and away families in attendance. Prior to the start the trucks and drivers are outside signing autographs, etc. They are stars for these kids but are completely accessible. The show itself is actually entertaining and during the downtimes they allow you to vote for things like “best trick” etc.
I’m *not* their target audience but they absolutely won me over. It was a well executed, family friendly and definitely entertaining.
How in the fuck do you
a) do this
b) practice this
The floatiness of this trick is what does it for me. It does not look like that piece of metal should be able to fly, but it does. Just amazing !
Lee O’Donnell at the Monster Jam World Finals 18 XVIII
Bloody amazing trick. The sport finally evolved a little, well done young gun.
Rocket league
I think I’ve seen at least 3 first ever front flips with at least 2 different trucks posted on Reddit
I’m just a bad girl trying to be good
When a piece of metal is more athletic than me..
Are we gonna ignore how it was in buzzer beater fashion
I wish you had posted the video as it actually makes it so much better hearing the surprise of the announces and the cheer that erupts out of the crowd
I feel that this is the perfect soundtrack: https://youtu.be/kwQT4jnbAso
Monster Trucks are awesome. Sure there’s a bit of yeehaw redneck ‘Merica surrounding them like most motorsports in the US, but they are marvels of modern mechanical engineering. There’s a [video on the Hoonigan channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgeCCTayQBg) where they walk through “Son of Digger” and it’s fascinating. Also the [sheer horsepower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qapK1A454E) they produce is memorizing. If you ever have a chance to see them live you won’t regret it. Put your prejudices at the door and just enjoy the show, it’s amazing.
the way the front wheels “land” on the apex of the little down ramp is perfectly superb.
Makes me wanna throw on a sleeveless shirt, a pair of pit vipers and crack a Coors light.
Never been one that is prone to hyperbole, but this may be the greatest moment in sports history.
This isn’t the Arctic Monkeys concert… Where the hell am I?
How does the driver not break his spine (or less) doing this?!
Imagine being behind the wheel of that fucking thing
That’s classy as hell
The most hardcore shit I’ve seen all day
What the fuck did I just watch lol
He’s played line rider, simple physics!
Tony Hawk is amazing!
I did that on my bike when I was a kid. My bike didn’t have any brakes on it. I was going downhill on the street and I was picking up too much speed. Normal I would put my foot in the back tire to slow down but at that speed I was scared to. So instead I pressed it up against the front tire. As soon as my shoe went up against the forks, that front tire stop turning. The bike did a complete front flip and kept rolling down the street. A made it halfway but let go when my back hit the street.
Holy shit this rules.
I’ve been to one of these and it completely changed my view of monster truck shows.
They sold out a huge ballpark and it was by far and away families in attendance. Prior to the start the trucks and drivers are outside signing autographs, etc. They are stars for these kids but are completely accessible. The show itself is actually entertaining and during the downtimes they allow you to vote for things like “best trick” etc.
I’m *not* their target audience but they absolutely won me over. It was a well executed, family friendly and definitely entertaining.
I think its amazing how they keep improving tricks
How do people afford to do that?
I mean, are owners of monster truck really wealthy or is it sponsored a lot?
Every show must cost tens of thousands in dammage to the owner of one of these, I’m genuinly curious to know how the financial side of it works.
This is something that I’ve never realized I hadn’t seen but now that I have I’m fucking Amazed.
Budweiser’s were spilt everywhere that day
Arctic monkeys Sequel we all been waiting for
Just when I’d thought humanity had stopped bettering itself…
That just happened.
Fuckin sexy
Definitely not the first. Saw it multiple times when I was younger
Damn, i remember watching grave digger as a kid, it’s nostalgic to see this kinda stuff. Might get back into watching these!
Wow, the landing is about as perfect as possible too.
r/arcticmonkeys you see this shit??
Just came here for the Arctic Monkeys comments!
The Arctic Monkeys have a song like this lol.
Years ago right?
How do monster truck teams get paid? I know that operating one takes a ton of cash, some I’m wondering how/why someone gets into this as a job/career?
Suck it, other countries
Meh, I did it in Monster Jam Maximum Destruction on my GameCube.