Advertisements like that sign are the reason jobs only paying that much are asking for college degrees. College is great… if you are going into a field that actually requires extended education that experience alone can’t easily account for. The fact that it was shoved down so many peoples throats is what lead to an overabundance of degrees leading to a generation in debt and many jobs now asking for degrees that don’t really need one.
Learning through experience needs to be normalized and more accepted, as do trade schools.
In case anybody really wants to know, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings of a person holding a H.S. Diploma is $712 ($37,500/year), while the median weekly earnings of a worker with a bachelors degree is $1,173 ($61,582). No, you don’t HAVE to go to college to make a good wage, but by and large people who don’t make a lot less. Also there are many fewer trade jobs floating around than people like to think there are. Yes, you can go to any major city and find a couple thousand of jobs in the trades at any given time, but that same city will have hundreds of thousands of people living at or below the poverty mark. The vast majority of the “skills gap” in the united states comes from jobs in the technology sector at the moment.
As a teacher, that “Choose your salary” poster is bullshit. Not everyone needs a college degree and the societal pressure to force teenagers into taking out 20k-100k in student loans is irresponsible.
I’m all for education and believe that college is a worthwhile experience. That being said my brother has an associates degree and he makes about 50k more a year than I do with my masters.
I believe college is and only should be necessary for doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, and scientists. Everything else can be pretty much taught on the job, if most of the above already aren’t lol.
“Give up”
Jansport backpacks with the leather bottoms still going strong. some things never change.
Advertisements like that sign are the reason jobs only paying that much are asking for college degrees. College is great… if you are going into a field that actually requires extended education that experience alone can’t easily account for. The fact that it was shoved down so many peoples throats is what lead to an overabundance of degrees leading to a generation in debt and many jobs now asking for degrees that don’t really need one.
Learning through experience needs to be normalized and more accepted, as do trade schools.
All these outliers think they somehow break the average.
*”What do you want to do, haul trash?”*
“You mean make more money than you Ms. Jennings?”
“…*Now listen here you little shit-“*
First thing I saw was the “give up” on the door.
It’s barely halfway through August what are you doing back at school
In case anybody really wants to know, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings of a person holding a H.S. Diploma is $712 ($37,500/year), while the median weekly earnings of a worker with a bachelors degree is $1,173 ($61,582). No, you don’t HAVE to go to college to make a good wage, but by and large people who don’t make a lot less. Also there are many fewer trade jobs floating around than people like to think there are. Yes, you can go to any major city and find a couple thousand of jobs in the trades at any given time, but that same city will have hundreds of thousands of people living at or below the poverty mark. The vast majority of the “skills gap” in the united states comes from jobs in the technology sector at the moment.
$49,800/yr AND $130,000 in student loans at predatory interest rates!
If a college graduate earns poverty wages then you might as well “give up”
I wanna get that $50K / year. So much I can buy with that.
As a teacher, that “Choose your salary” poster is bullshit. Not everyone needs a college degree and the societal pressure to force teenagers into taking out 20k-100k in student loans is irresponsible.
I’m all for education and believe that college is a worthwhile experience. That being said my brother has an associates degree and he makes about 50k more a year than I do with my masters.
give up
After you graduate college you also need 15 years of work experience to get the job.
Lol they had to deflate the salaries so that the teachers with degrees don’t feel bad about their shitty salaries
Give up.
$49,000 for college grad is depressing
Choose your salary. Give up.
Give up
Give up.
Give up
Give Up
I believe college is and only should be necessary for doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, and scientists. Everything else can be pretty much taught on the job, if most of the above already aren’t lol.
Ask the teacher of that classroom which one of those Choose Your Salary metrics he/she fits into…
Wild everyone in this thread is making 200k+ a year with just a high school diploma. Definitely seems legit
Damn, I dropped out of all 3 high schools I attended and make more than a college graduate.
Jansport backup and $49,500 salary in khaki pants and a polo? The AirPods are the only thing that clues you in this isn’t from 1995.