First attempt at painting a Kratos 3d model from God of War.
View Reddit by CorruptedCombat8 – View Source
First attempt at painting a Kratos 3d model from God of War.
View Reddit by CorruptedCombat8 – View Source
That’s really good
Looks sick, awesome job.
that looks professional
Did you print this?
Well done. Can’t wait to see your second time painting one.
Very cool, you could also try your hands on thor, and have them charge at each other
Looks like something you can buy from a store for a couple hundred dollars.
Not so much an attempt as it is very well painted, well done.
Oh shit. Is there some place I can get the files for this?
Nailed it! Very impressive!
Very good!
Looks like a Kratos amiibo
“First attempt.”
Just kidding, I think this is extremely talented for a first attempt.
Looks very cool but is it me or is there something that feels off in the face
First *and last* attempt you mean. Fucking nailed it my dude!
This isn’t your first attempt painting miniatures now is it?
I need thissssss
this is lit! you got talent 🙌
Amazing I like it so much
Looks great
On the first try you already got it right and perfect.
That’s pretty bad man… send it to me and you can try again.
For real though, awesome job. Looks great!
Looks really cool and professional, I am curious, how much time you spent?
I love that game
where the feet ?
Maybe the skin a little more pale look to it and a little shine on the chains (for pure effect with silver metallic color dry brushing it abit), but other then that its sick af.
That’s absolutely gorgeous. If I had to force myself to find a flaw, I’d just say that maybe he’s a little too pink while Kratos is kinda pale.