Somehow I missed out on this game but I love the Duke3D style (part of such, as another poster said, includes showing a generic gun in the reflection). And it’s only $5 on PlayStation (NA)!
I’m still pissed the little bitch boys at Iron Maiden (the classic rock band) sued Ion Maiden and forced them to change their name even when it was clearly transformative enough and IM didn’t invent their own name.
no cup reflection??
mirror reflection of the gun is the the error, FP the character is holding a revolver, mirror reflection is an smg of some type.
That out of place pink texture.
All Build Engine games are like that
Nothing has a shadow
Gun switched hands in reflection
She’s not washing dishes in the sink?
lt faucet backwards, the glass is not in reflection, gun direction and reflection are off
Somehow I missed out on this game but I love the Duke3D style (part of such, as another poster said, includes showing a generic gun in the reflection). And it’s only $5 on PlayStation (NA)!
No mirror talking when you press the “use” key? (like in every other Build-based game)
No soap dispenser
A GIRL. Is this how they look?
I’m still pissed the little bitch boys at Iron Maiden (the classic rock band) sued Ion Maiden and forced them to change their name even when it was clearly transformative enough and IM didn’t invent their own name.
Yeah the shotgun, but what about that oversized revolver cylinder, its like a D cup in a C cup bra
yeesh… i knew the switch’s graphics were bad, but…
Is that game good
According to the reflection, the gun should be in her left hand, not right hand
This might be deliberate. Retro shooters usually exaggerate the style and limitations of 90’s/00’s FPS.
I was kind of hoping that the HUD was also reflecting the mirror.
Your playing an fps on the switch
The gun is incorrect in mirror and the cup doesnt have a reflection
This was common in these FPS sprite games in the 90s. The characters reflection always had one gun model regardless of what you had equipped.