And before the “wHy DoN’T you jUst DelEtE games??” crowd comes in;I like to keep my options open.
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And before the “wHy DoN’T you jUst DelEtE games??” crowd comes in;I like to keep my options open.
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You realize both of those are coming out on Xbox too right? Idk why you’d waste time on a ps5
How large is your other SSD? Never been a problem I’ve had tbh..
Mortal kombat installing for me right this second! FINISH HIM
I’m mostly an idiot moron dumbass so I’m just curious, how do you have multiple externals plugged in? From my extremely limited knowledge can’t they only plug into the back USB port?
I just installed a 2Tb into my ps5 and love it. I could only fit 3 games before.
Thanks for this post, seeing it made me look up prices on them and I had no idea how much they had dropped in price since I bought my PS5. Last I looked any decent sized one was about the price of buying a whole new ps5 lol. Amazon will be delivering mine tomorrow lol.
Games are yuuuuuge now