Finally downloaded the remastered version on Xbox and playing it tonight with my original strategy guide.
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Finally downloaded the remastered version on Xbox and playing it tonight with my original strategy guide.
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342 pages?? Jesus Christ lol
GameFAQs takes me back man, I remember following the guide for Dark Souls like it was the bible, looking back though I really regret not playing it blind but I got stuck way too early and was too impatient to figure out myself lol
Gotta say, still one of my all time favorite opening scenes for a video game ever. Still get the goosebumps.
I hope you printed that at school or work. My dad would have lost his shit if I printed that much back then lol.
GameFAQs was my absolute bread and butter. This was how I learned to master search functions. What a memory.
Oh gamefaqs💚
Do you mean you printed the guide or did you wrote the guide?
Nice! I imported the Japanese version for psx and printed the translation at kinkos! Beat it!
Aw I wished guides still looked like this purely for nostalgia reasons
GameFAQs had some incredible ASCII art in it’s thousand page guides.
Love seeing this, definitely triggered some nostalgia.
Damn. That’s really fuckin cool. Bring that nostalgia factor back full force.
I did the same with Silent Hill for the PSX.
Such a fantastic game.
Now this brings back memories. I did the same thing for FF9 many years ago. Was the first time i ever used a guide since I’d never played anything like it before. Best of luck to you!
I remember having my dad print stuff for my games back in the day, but never that many pages lol
Absolute Steve – the legend
Oh nostalgia. This is basically just a pdf that doesn’t support ctrl+f lol. Lots of time spent on the manual version of ctrl+f in my day.
I used to print out thousands of pages in high school and collage of strategy guides. Loved the courier font.
Jeez, this takes me way back. Printing out guides on the school printer.
Are you as put off by the way the overworld looks in the remastered version as I am?
Everything else looks so amazing but the overworld…
Some of that guide is just straight up wrong, but back then we took what we could get!
I never printed out the guides, I just bookmarked them and looked them up when I needed anything, no waste of paper or ink that way, when smartphones came out it was even better.
Spends six hours before going onto the Dollet mission.
Farming fish for AP along beaches.
Get enough for the increase str
Gain ability to change cards to magic.
proceeds to spend another three hours farming the kid running around balamb with cards.
Be overpowered until the third disc by getting end game magic by whooping a kids ass in a card game.
Fuck dude. You could’ve bought the original game and system off eBay, paid $100 for shipping, and still saved money if you factor in the cost of ink to print 342 pages. Unless you got an old DOT-MATRIX printer lying around. 🤣
Before I had reliable enough access to internet to look up guides like this myself, I would constantly call my friend who had already played it and ask for hints and advice. He was really patient with me, I now realize.
Such a good game.
GameFAQs was a lifesaver back in the day.
Also helps if you don’t want to wade through 10minites of some loon asking you to click and subscribe as they dither through a piece of level on youtube when you only need a 10 second answer.
Before YouTube walkthroughs there was GameFAQs!
Thanks to all the gamer writers who took the time to save our controllers from being smashed!
GameFAQs *drags cigarette*
I haven’t heard that name in ages
Card mod and the magic Ref abilities pretty much broke the game in terms of any type of difficulty early on. ff7 had a lot of grinding involved and even then the end game optional bosses were ridiculous. Maybe a reaction to that but the mechanics in place made ff8 too easy really. Great story and musical score though so still up there with my favourite ff games
I love this game.
But it is the poster child for why enemy scaling sucks ass. It’s mind blowing that here we are, 24 years later and devs are still doing this shit.