Filmed this during the Rams vs Bucs game earlier, we know what happened there. Now watching the Bills, Chiefs game!
Filmed this during the Rams vs Bucs game earlier, we know what happened there. Now watching the Bills, Chiefs game! from sports
View Reddit by Gameroomtheater – View Source
Yo let me get a dollar. Your place is tricked out dope.
Oh to have money
That’s a pretty slick man cave. Respect.
This is actually fucking insane. And here I am stuck using the same shitty small TV I’ve had for over a decade now
Bang bang
Why is this on here?
I’m sure it was with the express written consent of the NFL that you did the recording /s
You need to invite some folks over
WhERe Is EvErYoNE!?!?? – rod farva
All the starting QBs in this round except Stafford