Sunday, March 9All That Matters

Fedex kept delivering my packages to my neighbor’s compost pile, 1/3 mile frommy house.


Fedex kept delivering my packages to my neighbor’s compost pile, 1/3 mile frommy house.


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  • I have a release on file for my company and have a door slot to put Fed Ex envelopes in and have a huge sign on the door that states this and they still leave a sticky that says someone needs to be there to sign for the packages. I’ve even called the CS and they say its not a signature required package. Wtf.

  • My house is 50 years old. It’s next to a school. I switched garbage companies because they just couldn’t find me. I hate GrubHubbing because I always have to talk the driver in. Despite a 98% success rate, I often get notifications that Amazon/USPS can’t deliver. There is a communal mail box at the end of the street. Use that!

  • We had FedEx driver on our route refuse to deliver because he was afraid of gravel roads and snow. Literally two things you get in MN 6 months out of the year. Left our Christmas presents behind a tree on our neighbor’s property. They didn’t get stolen and I suppose someone could consider it a game of hide and seek…still. UPS driver a good laugh.

  • No chance they read that. I have a fluorescent blue sign on my delivery box right next to the garage door. They almost always walk past it, and up the stairs to the front door no one uses. They would rather walk up unsafe steps in the dark, than glance at bright sign with a light shining on it with less than 4 words on it… It might be a stretch to assume they can read.

  • The narrow lane with small shoulders may have some of the drivers spooked. Maybe add a sign that says something similar to:

  • Here’s a fun fact:

    I sent a handgun back to the manufacturer for some repairs. They sent it back to me via FedEx. Understandably, this package was signature required with ID check. I stayed home from work the day this package was to be delivered. I set up text alerts with the tracking number. Got a text saying it had been delivered. The picture of “my” signature was a single line. The box was left on my front porch in plain view of a busy sidewalk outside like a calling card for a porch pirate.

    Fedex left a handgun sitting outside my house after forging my signature and made no attempt to even conceal the package. To absolutely no-one’s surprise, the complaint I sent has had no reply.

    Fedex can suck a sweaty fat chode. They clearly have no respect for their customers or public safety as a whole.

  • the fuck? what road

    this is that path you find the 200 year old haunted house your family is moving in to because they inherited it from a crazy uncle that died several months back that no one knew about

  • OP, have you considered making some drop boxes? Box with yale lock so it can be pushed shut locked?

    Open box, parcel in, close and push locked. You have the key to open.

    Seems like a compromise.

  • Because FedEx and UPS are notoriously bad at following directions/locating my house I always attempt to schedule my at home time around package arrivals from them. I live facing a busy street so I made an account, log in each time I’m set to get a package from them and make sure my directions are to leave at my rear door. 1 out of every 7 might make it there, IF it gets TO my home.

  • Ordered a mattress and it never came after two weeks of waiting, the company sent a replacement and that never came, it wasn’t until last week did I learn that both were dropped off at an abandoned church three miles away. Twice they’ve also chucked out enveloped packages without stopping, so what the hell is up with this company

  • D000d, let me tell you!

    I bought something online. It was shipped through FedEx. On the day I was expecting delivery, I get an email saying that my delivery is on hold and FedEx needs more information.

    So I call them and just getting someone on the phone was hard enough. After the robot tells me about my delivery, it asks if that helped. I say no, obviously, and it asks how it can help. So I say “representative” and it says it won’t connect me to a person yet.

    ok but why? We just established that the robot didn’t help. Phrases like “My package wasn’t delivered” or “My delivery is on hold” just repeats the same shit. “Make a complaint” gets me to a human though.

    So anyway, the person tells me that FedEx handed the package over to the Post Office for final delivery that it will be delivered in a few days. It doesn’t show up. So I diligently check with neighbors and then call the post office. Someone at the post office tells me they never had a package and that FedEx wouldn’t even hand it off directly to the post office. It would be to a sorting center somewhere else.

    I call FedEx back and to see what’s up, and someone else tells me that actually no, my package was never handed off to the post office. Now I’m agitated but okay, whatever. They actually ask me if I can prove that the package wasn’t delivered.

    How in the fuck would I even do that? Here’s a photograph of my empty hand, I guess. There was no photo of the package sitting on my porch, though. I’m more agitated. Now I need to file a claim for the missing package. They tell me that I can’t do that over the phone. I can only do it through the website. Even more agitated. I’m already talking to someone about this. Why can’t they just do it? So I go to the website to file a claim and the website tells me that only the shipper can start a claim.

    I swear it’s like FedEx makes this shit as inconvenient as possible in order to get people to just throw their hands up about it and not even bother.

  • My parents live in the middle of nowhere, on a back country road with a longish driveway. Getting deliveries is always a struggle.

    FedEx likes to leave the packages either at the end of the driveway, next to the garbage cans (where they’re prone to being collected by the garbage men if the timing is bad); in the bush next to the gate (not near the house; I’ve found many a rain-soaked package); or at random spots along the driveway (including once in the middle of the road).

    I blame my red neck father’s sign that says, “You are no longer a trespasser, you are now a target” for scaring them off. Or the “beware of dog” sign, despite both dogs being elderly and more likely to lick them to death.

  • FedEx Ground has zero fucks to give about anyone’s packages. I have yet to have a package delivered on time with them. They are marginally better than OnTrac; which will classify rain as inclement weather and perpetually reschedule deliverly.

    FedEx Express seems to be different and is generally reliable. Though USPS and UPS are better options.

  • Our apartment buildings have all locked doors and every single one has huge signs saying all packages need to be delivered to the office.
    Fedex will regularly just drop everything at the locked door outside, in plain view of the streets and haul off. Only company that does it (even Amazon drivers won’t do it). I’ve lost several packages because of it.

  • FedEx is the fucking worst. We have some medical equipment for my son that is only sent by FedEx. During the summer here in Texas, the box gets over 130 degrees in direct sunlight on my porch. I rested it.

    This was damaging the contents so we put out a cooler with ice packs, big, simple to read, obvious signs asking them to place the box in the cooler.

    All last summer, they used the cooler maybe once. They would even place the box on top of the cooler lid that had a big sign on it. Some people ok resist were defending them, saying that they didn’t have time to read signs. Funny, ‘cause they definitely had plenty of time to dig around the bowl of goodies we leave out for delivery people.

  • I lived in an area like op. Where the house is off the main road. FedEx said that there was no one living there and would refuse delivery. I had to call and tell them that yes I do live there. They would argue with me that their system says that it is not an address and tell me to call the sender to fix it. The address was right the whole time but they would never except it. It got to where I never ordered anything that came FedEx and cancelled things that showed FedEx.

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