Father of the Bride | Official Trailer | Andy Garcia, Gloria Estefan | June 16, 2022
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Father of the Bride | Official Trailer | Andy Garcia, Gloria Estefan | June 16, 2022
View Reddit by Sisiwakanamaru – View Source
Wow I can’t believe they would remake Father of the Bride, do they have no respect for the original? /s
Ruben Rabasa! I wonder if the movie has space for mother-in-law.
Easy to see why Warner Bros are not sending this one to theatres.
this feels like Crazy Rich Latinos LOL, seriously, does the family live on Star Island????
I think it’s a nice update. I like the shift in focus on the parents and their relationship. These movies have a simple and universal theme that can be remade for new generations to enjoy. I love the original with Elizabeth Taylor, the remake and sequel with Steve Martin and I think this more modern one will be fun as well.
Is it groundbreaking? No. Are they creating a new pantheon of characters with a billion dollars in merchandise potential? Of course not. Is this a dark, art house film only understood by film students and philosophy majors? No. But it looks like a fun little flick with a broad appeal and there’s no harm in making movies you can watch with your mother.
is this a multiverse movie? i exclusively watch multiverse movies.
A GREAT steering wheel that doesn’t whiff out the window while I driving.
This movie is not for me.
I’ve recently grown an appreciation for Andy Garcia. Nice to see Gloria Estefan again too.
Enough time has passed that they could have made a “Grandfather of the Bride” with the Steve Martin cast.
Having just decided to instigate a light film Fridays, this will be added to that rotation. The daughter reminds me of my friends as two of them proposed to their partners and they also all love hiking.
Also did not even recognize Gloria Estefan!
adria arjona is so fucking hot. worth the watch for her alone.
Meh its a maybe on a Netflix night.
I like it when they remake “classic” or popular movies with a minority cast. They should do it more often.
Truthfully I was a little shocked that the Bride, the parents or the SO weren’t in some way LGBTQ+.
In the 70s there was a comedy called The Last Remake of Beau Geste. They should do a new one called The Last Remake of Father of the Bride.
Why does Hollywood keep remaking movies? Are they running out of ideas? No wonder I’ve seen only a few movies in the last 5-6 years. I still prefer the 1950 original with Elizabeth Taylor, Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett, one of my favorite comedies.
Damn someone used Aye Caramba in 2022
I love Andy Garcia. Glad to see him in a leading role again.
Imagine if Disney remade this film. These same assholes who are saying it’s okay to remake this would have been mad. Talk about being two faced.
We have come to the age of the remake of the remake… It’s truly the end times.
Is there not one fucking original idea floating around the entertainment industry? What a fucking joke.
I’ve got to think Jennifer Lopez was originally cast as the wife. Feels like the kind of movie she does.
people are giving this movie WAY too much guff. I’ve always thought that redoing FOTB with a different culture was a great idea as there is an entire subgenre of wedding films. A guy freaking out about his kid getting married and the cost of it is hardly the domain of one movie.
Andy Garcia also looks like he’s in better shape nowadays.
I feel without a “Fronk” like character it may be good, but not great
WOW! No mention, or disparaging remarks about them doing a remake with a cast of a different race. Could only imagine the comments if they were all Black.