I hope they return to their roots and rob consumer electronics from a moving truck in the (anti-)climax. It would turn a mediocre action franchise into an Andy Kaufman-esque troll 20 years in the making.
These movies have just gotten beyond the fun level at this point, no one dies, and it takes itself too seriously, if that makes sense. Look at Cena, he should have been a campy, lunatic.. he’s proven he’s great at that. Like if these are going to be so crazy, let’s go full nuts
You know what’s crazy, fast and furious was probably one of most successful diverse franchises and probably first too that never brought up how diverse they were. Interestingly enough they had a gay man as a main villain in fast 6 and nobody even highlighted it I always found that interesting
So much for Fas-Ten Your Seatbelts
This is Now You See Me all over again
whatever, we got to deal with 2 more of these right?
“*You did it. The crazy son of a bitch, you did it .*”
Vin Diesel has completed his transformation of The Fast films into xXx.
I’m calling it now, they’re going back in time.
This is really going to confuse the Japanese naming scheme.
“iT sHoULd hAvE bEeN cALLeD FaSt 10 yOuR sEaTbELtS”
Fast Xtraterrestial
Fast X sounds like a laxative
Dom is starting a school for gifted drivers
So, time travel is next right?
I’m so fucking glad I can stop reading that awful “Fas10 Your Seatbelts Joke”
If this is a 2-parter I want the next one to be called “Fast X-2: Family United”
The beauty is that this could be an X-Men movie too
Can’t wait for Fast XXX in 20 years
I haven’t been following the franchise since the early days. Are they no longer furious?
When they intro introduce the X-Men into the MCU . I’m going to go crazy in the theater
I like how the X is a headlight. That was a cool design.
Fas-Ten your seatbelts everybody.
That logo looks way too much like the X series of space games.
[Fasten your seat belts. FAST X is now in production.](https://twitter.com/thefastsaga/status/1516799999643770883?s=21&t=OGNWRHHbGOirHzub0FczVg)
So close guys, they didn’t do “Fast10”.
This installment of Cliff Beasts looks like the best yet.
I’ve only seen the first one when it made it’s way to TV. Are they still stealing cars and shit?
I sure hope x is going to give it to us.
I hope they return to their roots and rob consumer electronics from a moving truck in the (anti-)climax. It would turn a mediocre action franchise into an Andy Kaufman-esque troll 20 years in the making.
I don’t think this series would’ve ever hit 10 films had Paul Walker not died.
His death made Furious 7 a huge success and brought new interest to the franchise. And here we are. Kind of insane, really.
Professor Xavier confirmed
So I guess they’re not naming it ‘FasTEN your seatbelts’
Fasten what?
These movies have just gotten beyond the fun level at this point, no one dies, and it takes itself too seriously, if that makes sense. Look at Cena, he should have been a campy, lunatic.. he’s proven he’s great at that. Like if these are going to be so crazy, let’s go full nuts
Here we go again…again.
Is this the one where it’s finally revealed that they’re all mutants?
The x looks like seatbelts there might be hope
Ah yes, the x files spin off
X fast
looks like the old x-men movie lol
I would prefer fast and furious x, aka ffx, featuring vin with a hairpiece as wakka
You know what’s crazy, fast and furious was probably one of most successful diverse franchises and probably first too that never brought up how diverse they were. Interestingly enough they had a gay man as a main villain in fast 6 and nobody even highlighted it I always found that interesting
I’m so disappointed
It’s not called Fast10 Your Seatbelts