Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

Fantastic Beasts: Secrets of Dumbledore | Official Trailer


  • Feels like the advertising push for this one is coming a bit late, still I hope its good. The last one was disappointing and a bit of a mess.

    Is this the finale or are we still going to get five parts? I wish we could have seen wizard side WW2 from different fronts all over the world like the pacific or Africa.

  • Someone correct me if Grindlewald was always like this, but I kind of like how it seems that he’s actually going to talk with Dumbledore? Idk im a sucker for the good guy and bad guy having a discussion in a diner about their goals and stuff.

  • It is so jarring to hear Mads without his fantastic, practically trademark Danish accent. I didn’t even know he could do an English accent.

    It looks like they learned from their mistake of the second movie of shoving love stories at every other turn down the audience’s throat and refocused on the mystery-thriller aspect that was part of the intrigue of the first movie. Or at least, I hope I am right. Yes, Newt is cute and sweet but he doesn’t need to be a heartthrob. The fact that he wasn’t in the first movie but instead was this awkward, endearing shy type was what him so lovable in the first place.

    And, hey, I didn’t know Jessica Williams is in this. That’s cool.

  • I wonder if they’re going to address Dumbeldore and Grindelwalds being lovers in this one. The movie’s called “Secrets of Dumbeldore” after all….

    Also didn’t the whole plot of this thing leak like a month ago?

  • I’m so tired of Yates’ bleak and boring looking wizarding world. I can’t believe that they haven’t found someone else to do these movies, his style lacks warmth and color completely. Everything looks fake.

  • I’m not entirely convinced yet after the hot mess that was the second movie, but there’s some promising looking things in this trailer.

    The general vibe looks like a psuedo-spy thriller set behind the scenes of the start of a war which could be a neat setting.

    Also the fights seem to be more creative than the typical “shooting bolts of coloured energy at each other we’ve gotten in lots of the other movies.

  • They could’ve made either a great actual Fantastic Beasts series centred around Newt or a great Dumbledore-Grindelwald series focusing on their relationship, they could’ve even made both separately but they went ahead a mashed these two stories together and made this mess of a series riddled with potholes that goes against the established canon.

    Dumbledore taught transfiguration in Hogwarts not Defense against the Dark Arts!!

  • All I’m saying is, with how things played out with Mads Mikkelsen being recast as Grindelwald, imo jarred harris would have been the perfect younger Dumbledore and a nice full circle with his late father.

    No Respect to Jude Law, but they just seem a mismatch pairing now.

  • I like the Jacob Kowalski character, but why is he part of the main defense against a dark wizard. It would be like Mrs. Figg being the leader of the order of the phoenix. Give me two separate movies a Kowalski/Newt buddy movie exploring the wizarding world and magical creatures. Then a darker Grindenwald vs Dumbledore movie.

  • Does anyone remember the marketing for the last movie? They showed off Hogwarts in every trailer just like this one. They were only at Hogwarts for five minutes in the crimes Grindelwald. I expect the same is true for this one.

  • Trailer gives me hope that they actually take advantage of the creative freedom the use of magic brings during fights compared to just turning them into hand guns like they did for every fight in the Harry Potter films. The exception being that excellent Dumbledore vs Voldemort battle of course.

  • Why do all of these movies take place in European and American cities?

    Fantastic Beasts should be Indiana Jones with an awkward protagonist. Newt should be heading out into the wilderness to find mythical creatures and end up way over his head in mayhem in the process. I want to see Newt living with giants or something weird like that.

  • I don’t understand why they feel they need to interject the fantastic beasts angle when it is clearly a hassle to to come up with sensible ways for them to be relevant in the context of the iconic history between Grindelwald and Dumbledore.

  • They should have made a movie strictly about Newt/Fantastic Beasts, and made this a separate series called the Wizarding War or something because now Newt is literally just a side character.

  • You know, I like Newt Scamander, but this series of films clearly aren’t about his magical creatures gimmick anymore, and it mostly makes me wonder why Jacob isn’t the lead. Focus on Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s conflict, but he’s the eyes into it, and the awkwardness of the “Fantastic Beasts” in the title would t be an issue anymore

  • I wish these movies were good, but like man, how did this series turn from Newt finding creatures and getting caught in some trouble to THERE’S ANOTHER DUMBLEDORE SIBLING FOR NO REASON, AND A WIZARD WAR IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN BETWEEN TWO EX BOYFRIENDS!!!! Like what? and isn’t Madds the third guy to play Grindlewald in the series? I just don’t like what Rowling has done with the franchise, can’t get behind it. Visually it looks amazing and makes me want to see it and unlocks my nostalgia for Harry Potter, but the first two were just complete messes.

    Also $100 says the post credits stinger will be Tom Riddle being born after they’ve beaten “the most dangerous wizard in the century”

  • Jude Law Is a great Dumbledore and here It seems we can finally see digging in his character and story.
    But everyone is focusing on a muggle using a wand. Come on.

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