Monday, March 17All That Matters

Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game of all time. Is anybody else hoping for New Vegas 2?


Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game of all time. Is anybody else hoping for New Vegas 2?


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  • No, New Vegas is incredibly overrated in my opinion.

    I’d love another Fallout game in the west of the US, or shit, even in a different country. But New Vegas 2 comes with a ton of baggage.

  • If there’s going to be a 2nd NV, it needs to have the best writing possible. Consequences to choices (*actual* consequences, like “you can’t finish the main quest now, good job”), believable characters and stories.

    Obsidian made Fallout NV, true. But they also made Outer Worlds, which in my opinion was just average across the board. If NV:2 does end up being made, I want it to absolutely crush the first in the best ways.

  • you know I remember being so excited for fallout 4 and when i got it, I was so disappointed,

    I know its redicules but new Vegas made one summer for me very special, a second new vegas would be fantastic even though the chances are it won’t live up to the original

  • I loved New Vegas!

    Fantastic game.

    I’d accept a second but i’d be afraid it probably just wouldn’t be the same.

    I loved Fallout 3 but didn’t particularly enjoy 4…

  • I remember years ago reading that Obsidian was wanting to make a Fallout: New Orleans as their next entrance in the series and I think I’d prefer that. I’d love to see what a post apocalyptic gulf coast would look like.

  • I liked new vegas because you could do whatever you want, fallout 4 and even Skyrim are a bit too strict on what you’re allowed to do.

    example: boot up new vegas, do the beginning stat thing, and then shoot doc mitchell and move on doing more crazy shit. boot up fallout 4, try to shoot robot, it fails, no more freedom 🙁

  • I just want a Fallout game that puts an emphasis on player choice and the weight and impact that those decisions have. One that more strictly utilizes the role playing aspects of creating a character. I want options to matter. Obviously you’re always going to be led to an ultimate conclusion no matter what. It’s still a game, there will still be an ending, how you get there should be solely up to you and the predetermined rules. I also want morality to be vague again. Good and evil died a long time ago and the only remnants that seeming survived is what we consider karma. You’re free to do as you please but every action has a consequence. And choosing sides should feel like a test of your character and not feel like an obvious one versus one you’ll try on an opposite character run for the sake of contrast. The story should not willingly lead you down a path it seems to be nudging you towards. There should only be what you know and what you can prove to be true. Anything else doesn’t matter. It’s about humanity when brought back down to our more natural and animal origins. There is only survival, or you die.

    New Vegas did many of these things considerably well. That’s what many of us want again in Fallout and NV just happens to be the most recent and relevant example of that. I don’t think it necessarily has to be set there, it’s just that that’s where the series shines from its roots as a West Coast US centric game. The West was a symbol of freedom and liberty for generations and Fallout sought to explore what would happen to us if all that was taken away instantly. Because war… war never changes.

  • I’m nit sure I’d want a second one unless they can somehow make multiple different stories based on the different possible endings of the first one

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