At 20 seconds I thought that was the fire suppression system coming on, and I thought that was the end of that… then the whole building collapsed in a firey mess.
Machines like this are supposed to be equipped with flame sensors. The second a flame or spark of any size is sensed around the machine, power is killed to the hydraulic pumps. Prevents disasters like this from happening
Like some others said, it looked like some suppression system popped, but it was just the camera lowering the brightness because of the intensity of the flame.
Fred, I dont think we have to goto work on friday.
seems kinda silly to have a drop ceiling like that in a space like that.
OSHA – Oil Sprays, Haul Ass
“Oh no, my phone!”
damn, that escalated quickly
That building is more flammable than I’m comfortable with.
I thought dude was running back to hit the e-stop or something but looks like he just grabs his phone.
Well got damn
They always said that business was a house of card……..boards
Title did not exaggerate. Literally filled the space with napalm in seconds. Absolutely terrifying.
Great, I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.
well that escalated quickly
No fire suppression system, or did it grow so quickly that it was not meaningful?
Little fire, lot of fire, HINDENBURG.
But hydraulic oil doesn’t burn hot enough to melt roof beams!
At 20 seconds I thought that was the fire suppression system coming on, and I thought that was the end of that… then the whole building collapsed in a firey mess.
I was saying “run, run you idiot!”
… “not *towards* the fire!”
Imagine being in the bathroom dropping a deuce and all this is going on outside.
Machines like this are supposed to be equipped with flame sensors. The second a flame or spark of any size is sensed around the machine, power is killed to the hydraulic pumps. Prevents disasters like this from happening
Grab the computer and important documents!
Whoever manufactures that camera should have made the hydraulic press too.
Here i think the sprinkler system finally kicks in. Nope that’s just the roof falling in already.
Like some others said, it looked like some suppression system popped, but it was just the camera lowering the brightness because of the intensity of the flame.
When a factory worker is running, you dont ask questions, you run with him.
What the hell was that ceiling made out of?!
What kind of manufacturing facility has a drop ceiling?
Also, don’t forget to grab your phone.
Coolant leak! We’ve got a coolant leak!