Saturday, February 15All That Matters

Exposing All Color Blind Glasses, Fake Marketing Videos, and More (Part 1)


  • I’m a deutan (red/green) and my wife got me a pair of enchroma sun glasses a few years ago. They are simply a type of polarized sunglasses that attempt to tune the spectrum to adjust to a person’s condition. For me, the enchroma work with reds…kinda, and only outdoors. Their marketing is in fact over the top and mostly hype. Putting the glasses on the first time was crazy, like red pops and looks almost disconnected from everything around it, so I can understand some people’s reactions kinda. Didn’t make me cry, but I was wearing red plaid pants when I tried them on and it was a bit of a trip looking at them with the glasses on vs off. If he can see everything look magenta…his condition must be less than mine (he says he can see the colors of the rainbow, where I see a mostly yellow stripe in the sky with a bit of blue on the bottom). But my family tried them on and confirmed everything looked red-ish through them. But…they don’t work with green and also change blue and yellow in a weird way.

    So…I would agree here these can’t/don’t “fix” anything. But based on one’s condition, these do…well…*something*. I stopped wearing mine after a few months.

  • Surprise, it’s a scam!

    I love the part where the woman asked, “How did you know?”

    There is no way somebody who can’t tell the difference between blue and purple is able to give the correct names of the colors when seeing them for the first time.

  • You literally cannot do anything to see those colors. Your eyes are simply missing the cones that are able to interpret those colors. I’ve been saying this for a long time to people and my optometrist as well and for some reason the marketing wins. Screw good old fashioned science and doctors.

    It’s sad.

  • The only way to confirm/deny this would be to have people who are colorblind do the colorblind tests with and without the glasses. If they pass the test with the glasses but otherwise fail, then that would prove they work. Never seen anyone try that.

    Edit: It’s very interesting to hear people’s experiences! Seems like while it does help with “passing the test” strictly speaking, it also ruins everything else and doesn’t really have practical benefits.

  • Idk exactly what’s going on with them but I got a pair for a colorblind friend of mine and it totally blew his mind, he always wore a salmon color shirt and looked down at him and said “why didn’t anyone tell my how ugly my shirt color was”

  • I took the enchroma colour blind test and it said I have normal colour vision, up to a million different shades are visible to me. But, if I buy their glasses, I can boost my colour perception even more. Seriously?

  • Sigh…

    I would not listen to this person at all since he doesn’t understand the fundamentals of colorblindness and what may work for him. He also tries on the pair indoors under the worst conditions possible which is pretty much different than what the instructions suggest to do.

    The EnChroma glasses do work for a certain subset of users. The viral videos don’t really help with expectations and EnChroma could do better with how they are marketed but the viral videos got them a lot of initial success.

    BTW the company changed leadership in 2021

  • For me it made things really high contrast, it was cool at first but pretty soon it started causing eye strain like looking at one of those old school bright computer monitors for too long and then it gave me a headache. It was a cool thing to experience for a couple of hours. If that’s what color vision is really like then I’m happy where I am.

  • There’s a substance that has helped me see colors as a colorblind person. I was in an unrelated study but noticed that colors were much more vibrant. I just happen to notice that I could see some greens, like telling if a banana was ripe. Turns out the substance can give temporary relief to colorblindness for weeks, so much so that you’d pass a colorblind test.

  • I love that there are people here in the comments saying the glasses did stuff for them and *lots* of people in the comments who are like “You know, I’M NOT COLORBLIND, BUT, I always knew these glasses were garbage!”

  • I posted years ago that these were a scam, I am colourblind. No lenses can fix that. They can shift colours, sure. But I can’t see what my eyes aren’t able to produce.

  • My kiddo is colour deficient. I talked to his optometrist about these glasses years ago and his reaction was ‘yeah, nah. Those things are a total scam.’ Glad I trusted a professional, not random online marketing videos!

  • I have what’s called extreme deutranopia and I did the colour blindness test on the enchroma website a few years back and it said “there’s a 50% chance you’ll notice a difference in 6 weeks”. Might as well said “no chance mate”

  • Any competent physicist or medical professional could’ve told you these are a complete scam on day 1.

    Colorblindness is an actual disability in the sense that you are missing certain photo-receptors (cones/rods) in your eyes or the existing ones are malformed somehow. There is no way that any filter material, no matter how space-age and complex, could cause you to suddenly have organs that don’t exist. It just doesn’t make any sense.

    The only thing that they can maybe do is amplify one section of the visible color space or dampen another, which may allow someone who’s red/green colorblind to suddenly be able to tell these colors apart, but this comes at the expense of destroying another range of the color perception spectrum and won’t let you suddenly see “”new colors””. The same effect can be achieved by holding any transparent red plastic in front of your eyes to, for example, darken green tones.

    If you want to actually see new colors, you’d have better luck taking psychedelic drugs.

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