Ex POW John McCain, fractured both arms and a leg, before getting bayoneted and having his shoulder crushed. Despite torture by beatings every few days, he refused repatriation unless every man taken before him was also released, 1974
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John McCain is someone I disagreed with on a lot of issues, but respected immensely. He loved America.
“I like guys who weren’t captured.” – Donald “The Patriot” Trump.
“SUPPORT OUR TROOPS (so long as it’s convenient).” – Republicans
I always had immense respect for McCain. He was, by every definition, a true American hero.
His father was a four star admiral at the time of his capture and commanded the US Pacific fleet.
No political favors asked for or given.
McCain was always a bratty hothead, and also a pretty shitty pilot. But being a POW definitely made him take a few positions that he would not compromise on as a politician, such as being anti-torture. He also clearly disliked Trump and wasn’t scared of him, unlike his fellow candy ass GOP politicians.
Did not agree 100% with every political aspect. But this man had more honor, and integrity in his little finger than the whole Republican Party does now.
I’m not talking politics, just that he was a good soldier.
Despised and hated by Donald Trump. And I understand why. Because John McCain was a real man.
If Republicans need any kind of smell test to understand the shit party they’ve become they can look back own the fact that they let Trump disparage John McCain for his extraordinary military service.
I would have voted for him were it not for the dipshit from Alaska as a running mate.
If I’m not mistaken, he was one of the few Republicans that criticized Guantanamo Bay for torturing detainees.
his father and grandfather were generals i believe. he fucked up multiple times and was only allowed to continue flying because of his heritage.
POW, eventually votes against veterans benefits. But it’s different when you’re at the top I guess.
John McCain, like all modern Republican politicians (and the majority of Democrats) was a corrupt, war-mongering, bigoted piece of shit who made the world worse with every breath he took. There would be no Donald Trump without McCain picking Palin as his VP.
This is what an honorable man looks like kids.
Agree or disagree with his politics, he was honorable and a worthly leader
War criminal.
He bombed civilian targets which violates the geneva convention.
Amongst other things….
I didn’t like his political stance.
He gave his whole life for his country. Six years in that shit hole. Trump can’t even stand in his shadow.
Never Forget/ POW MIA
And to think, a good portion of the country now thinks he wasn’t a hero. Donald Trump is such an affront to true human dignity.
This was the man about whom Orange Draft Dodger Bone Spur Bozo said:
“I prefer heroes who weren’t shot down, OK?”
Not OK, you useless pile of cowardly festering vomit. Not even remotely okay.
Bunch of war nuts here. Yeah McCain was so honorable when speaking especially his “Bomb,bomb,bomb Iran” song. Who cares about all the innocent people that he didn’t care about cause he wanted to have wars in other countries.
But hey , he respected two opponents when being President so who cares??eehh…reddit..
He also went on to be a real piece of shit, so what lesson can we learn
Can you imagine surviving that and then having Sarah Palin as your running mate.
He was the last republican I voted for. AZ – The McCain state. Long may his legacy live and I hope we may be fortunate to have leaders like him rise within politics once again rather than continue our current bifurcated, unproductive patterns.
Some fucking former marine salesman I worked with tried to tell me that John McCain wasn’t an American hero. But somehow Donald Trump was…. He got mad when I asked him how many crayons he ate at Paris Island.
This is EXACTLY why I will never get over Trump saying John McCain was “weak for getting captured” and bragged about how “he wouldnt be captured if it were him.”
Donald Trump is not only a bad person and a bad American, but let’s not forget that he is also a bad republican.
John McCain was a FUCKING HERO for what he did. Plain and simple. He was a truly noble man to do what he did. So anytime I see a picture of John McCain I’m reminded of how he is the real article, and how many fall short to his example of courage…as well as: Fuck Donald Trump.
Oh, now y’all like him