Everyone knows Contra, but who remembers its contemporary, Ikari Warriors?
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Everyone knows Contra, but who remembers its contemporary, Ikari Warriors?
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This game was so much fun, but insanely hard.
ooh yeah…and Jackal too
Scrotum guns (where did the hair go)
If you liked this how about HEAVY BARREL.
Yup, great game. Loved when you saw a controllable tank edge onto the screen.
Don’t forget Cabal!
Lots of late nights playing co-op with my cousins
Anyone born in the 1970s knows about Ikari Warriors.
When in doubt, ABBA
Loved that game and also Commando!
Wow hello my fellow old. Yes that was my jam for a long while. Remember getting the tank in it which was like a light blue flashing color.
The arcade version of ikari warrior had 360 rotating hexagonal joysticks, and that was mind blowing for a kid who plucked quarters playing video games at the bowling alley
Yeah I remember it. I remember buying it with birthday money and bringing it home and beating it in like 2 hrs and going back to Kmart and trying to return it and they wouldn’t let me. I was pissed.
The amount of quarters I dumped into Ikari Warriors as a kid back in the mid 80’s would put one of those coin pushing gambling machines in Vegas to absolute shame.
Played way too much Ikari on the NES. Didn’t okay the arcade version till recently and it’s so much better.
of course.
The playable characters in this game, Ralf Jones and Clark Still, are playable in the fighting game series King of Fighters as well.
Ikari Warriors was the first game of it’s type I finished! I spent many hours learning placements, patterns, and powerups. That sense of accomplishment when I beat the final boss was just..euphoric.
This game drove me nuts. You could use the ABBA code (which was 100% necessary to even get through 3 stages) until you couldn’t go further forward anymore; the game would give you maybe 4-5 more uses of the code and then stop and I could never figure out where to go or what to do
Get in the tank!
Ok! But how do I get in the tank!?!?
Who Dares Wins and Fernandez must die
Two titles I spend much time with
Dead guy behind the desk
Where did the hair go?
“Why are they as fast in the water as they are on the bridge?”
“They’re good swimmers”
“but they’re slow as ass on the bridge?”
“they’re bad walkers.”
Heavy Barrel was fun as well. I wish these types of games were still made.
Rambo Commando Rambo Commando Rambo Commando!
This was more akin to Commando and Heavy Barrel than Contra
Friend’s mom worked overnights, so we’d spend the night at his house essentially unsupervised. I remember the all-nighter we pulled to beat this game. A,B,B,A over and over until victory!
AVGN’s review of this game is legendary in my eyes.