Every time I walk down the dairy aisle in Germany and see this, I laugh like I’m 12 again.
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Every time I walk down the dairy aisle in Germany and see this, I laugh like I’m 12 again.
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Damn I wouldn’t eat that
Don’t wanna know how it’s made !
I want to assume it’s sour cream? Germans and their literal naming convention is making me think yogurt or sour cream.
“We don’t have a cow… we have a bull”
Fat Germans are dick.
Grandma style too!
wie zu oma’s zeiten lmfaooooo
If you dont pick one of those up as gayly as possible youre an insecure scared man.
[Your yogurt isn’t delicious at all!](https://i.imgur.com/ljj4pMG.jpg)
Congratulations germany, you have managed to out france france in the “NO MY LANGUAGE IS THE STUPIDEST” contest
It takes a brave person to milk the bull!!!
The posters that say “Wir suchen dich!” (We want you! For a job yk)
I’m German and it’s the first time I see this. Wtf is that? Sahne?
I think that’s German for “dick milk” /s
This product is the result of losing NNN.
Take the first ausfahrt and pick up some dickmilch at der supermarkt
My inner 12 year old just took over my body and made me laugh a whole bunch.
Sounds like a Rammstein song
Wait till you find Dickmann’s in the candy aisle.
In Germany/Austria there is a product called dickmanns and well that’s subjectively worse in english in German it means fat man
Wait until you see agava dick juice.
I have the same with ochsenschwanzsuppe.
I hope that don’t come to my grocery store.
My favorite lactose 😋
That’s how I feel about “Douche Gel” in the Netherlands (“Shower gel”). I feel both insulted and amused every morning 😀
Don’t buy that processed stuff, I can get you a regular supply of fully organic stuff 😂
Go to Penny and look for their “happy end” branded toilet paper
Sold by the Dikinbaus Company
A German here: thank you for sharing. 😂
Oh my god, I’m from Bavaria, I live in Sweden now and I miss it so much! It’s the best thing (apart from the name).
I took a semester of German, so no funny for me, darn it.
Even I as a German myself cracked up well at this
(I am twenty years old with the brain of a child.)
But yes, sadly such products exist in Germany. The fact that it makes for a hilarious translation into the English language however is just even the more funnier.
ahhh reminds me of the good old dickins cider. 😀
Dick milk
Silly Germans
Can’t hardly be NSFW if you can buy it in a regular supermarket.
I thought that was Chuck Norris with a cow and made me wonder who’s milk it is lol
It’s so salty and thick
Oma loves the dickmilk.
Showed this to my wife. We both laughed and said – sounds delicious.
Dickmilk – Like in grannys days.
Instantly reminded me of Australia’s Dickens Cider. LOL
Makes me laugh still, even though I am a fully mature 14 year old.
You need to use a kochmesser to get to the dickmilch.
“Hey honey you want some-“
“Shut the fuck up”
I bet German dick milk is very efficient.
‘Dick’ means thick – so is this similar to the american half’nhalf? (Which is, iirc, half milk and half cream)..