Every Red/Blue Pokemon from strongest to weakest, how good are your favorites?
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Every Red/Blue Pokemon from strongest to weakest, how good are your favorites?
View Reddit by SeaMinus_ – View Source
The lineup is good though, I feel like the B shouldn’t be that scanty
my favorite one Mewtwo is at the top of the list
Pinsir, Muk, Onix and Scyther were some of my favorite Pokemon when Red/Blue came out and they’re all pretty bad competitively. Oh well.
Also, where is Golem on this list?
C, F, F.
A, D, F
This tier list is F tier…You have the majority of the pokemon in F tier
I’m still bitter about how graveler was an awesome design and then it evolves into a basic bitch lizard in a ball form. Fuck golem
That list is just, bad.
Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites
It took me a while to get into Pokémon. Loved the cartoon but never managed to buy any cards. I went to my local supermarket and saw some Pokémon cards. Now I can’t stop buying them lol