Europeans don’t eat ranch, so they call it “American”
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Europeans don’t eat ranch, so they call it “American”
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In the UK it’s called ‘Cool Original’
Cool American flavour was the best they could do??
Yeah, but is it made with real Americans?
That’s rad as hell
I don’t understand why they can’t still just call it ranch…
If “ranch” isn’t a good flavor descriptor, I can’t imagine “American” being any better.
I guess they taste like me then
If it’s not made in the Cool region of American it’s just called sparkling American
They must buy this expecting to it to taste like gunfire and obesity
in the arab world we call it ranch despite almost no one consuming ranch, i have a ranch bottle in the fridge that i got as a gift and man is it nasty and i wonder how people actually enjoy it….ceasar dressing or blue cheese dressing are so much better.
If this is our legacy, I stand by it
“So this is what Americans taste like”
At least we’re cool
“Europeans” how about piss off. There are lots of countries in europe that call it ranch. How about you say which one this is? Norway? Italy? France? Spain? Maybe Greece? Because here in sweden it is called ranch.
Europe is about the size of the USA on landmass and we have more population at 510 million and we even have oceans/seas between our land areas to a degree. It is kind of miss representative and a dick move to just say “Europe” just like it is to say florida, Texas, Washington and California are the exact same people and bunch you all together as “The us”. Or hell even go as far as say canadians, texas, California, mexico Venezuelan are all the same “Americans” because that is just how diverse our cultures are.
Is that what they think we taste like?!
You’re telling me Americans don’t taste of ranch dressing?
That is a huge disappointment.
Italians whenever Americans talk about ordering a Subway Italian herb and cheese 
What do they dip their pizza in?
Is French called something different in France?
It’s all about marketing. I guess they studied which one of “ranch” or “American” sells better
That proves it.
I am delicious!
So, they eat Americans but not ranch?
If they are going to call it Cool American, they should slap a picture of Henry Winkler in a leather jacket on the front of the bag. Ehhhh.
Like how we call it Asian flavor? And Italian seasoning.
French dressing is a thing. Italian dressing is also a thing. If you had to pick one salad dressing to represent “American”, I think Ranch is a pretty good choice!
We have ranch dressing/chips here in Sweden
This is odd. Where I’m from in Europe, Ranch is used to describe this flavour. Maybe I’m in a different Europe… or maybe Europe is a collection of different countries, with different languages, that do their own thing, and so using the name to collectively assign the behaviour of one country to all of them is a bit narrow minded.
They are called Cool Original in the UK. I had no idea they are Ranch flavoured.
In England they are “Cool Original” …. Which is a bit of a misnomer, seeing as how Americans aren’t original
Ah yes, the “Europeans”. You know, the one big country where things are same in all the parts.
I must not belong to to this “Europe” then, as here in Finland it’s called sour cream.
Spicy American is better.
In Korea, a random condiment labeled “American sauce” was ketchup.
The Fonzie flavored snack.
Pretty sure that’s sour creme in the Netherlands not ranch
Norwegian here. I will never understand Americans love for ranch dressing. I tried various types on various foods (mostly pizza), while I was visiting an American gf (now ex) in Pittsburgh back in 2016, and I was honestly disgusted by every single one. Now thousand island is a bad dressing, but ranch dressing is probably 8 times worse. You are all savages for eating and enjoying it.
Why not just call it MSG n’ Chives?
And yet the biggest selling salad dressing is ….
It tastes like sadness and no health care?
In the UK it’s called “Cool Original”
As an European I can confirm we all don’t eat “ranch”, only cool Americans.
No they call it “Cool American”. It’s right on the bag
Wow, don’t know what ranch is? Here is a pro tip for you Brits and Euros. Find some good ranch and dip your French fries(chips) in the ranch rather than ketchup.. although now that I think about it, perhaps you guys don’t dip your chips in ketchup either?
Tastes like shitty politics, Hollywood, and debt.
“Cool American”? I didn’t realize I was a Doritos flavor 😎
I’m American, I don’t eat ranch. (I know, unpopular opinion.)