“ESPN8: The Ocho” will be returning to ESPN2 on August 5, 2022 for 24 hours of “unique sports coverage.”
ESPN8: #TheOcho returns to ESPN2 on Friday, Aug. 5
• Featuring 24-hours of unique sports content
• 14+ hours of live events from @RockHillSCCity
• @MartySmithESPN & @ESPNMcGee host a live 'The Ocho Show'Complete schedule: https://t.co/nFYkoYsQdA pic.twitter.com/krK3hief7X
— ESPN PR (@ESPNPR) July 25, 2022
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I thought this was a fictional channel created for the Dodgeball movie.
No return of JMR? Wack, but hey, quadball! (née Muggle Quidditch)
it’s not 8/8 this year and that saddens me.
Golden Tee Tournament
Also, the lack of Balloon World Cup is upsetting.
This is becoming less needed though as ESPN+ is fairly creative in what they show. This past week I was able to watch Spike Ball, Pickle Ball, and Corn Hole. These were just, available, no promotion to them.
The Ocho is going to need to get more aggressive in their ‘variety,’ but obscure sports are available through ESPN year-round at this point.
Quadball (formally Quidditch) at noon.
Bold strategy Cotton.
Can I just say that I love how this sub actually has a unique post flair for “The Ocho” 😆
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball
As opposed to the cornhole and spikeball coverage we get already?
Make it a permanent fixture in a streaming service, a separate library for weird not often seen sports
I would gladly watch a 30 By 30 special on ESPN 8, “The Ocho”, with athletes from various sports trying to prove that if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!
There better see some [Buzkashi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JUn8MsEyPs&list=LL&index=15&ab_channel=JomboyMedia) being featured on their slate of unique sports.
Slippery Stairs is an amazing thing to watch (and it’s live this year!), but where are the Tetris Championships?
Effin’ A, Cotton! Effin’ A!!!
Corgi racing? Yes please.
Nothing will ever fully recreate my experience of walking into a sports bar and seeing the American electricians tournament semifinals playing on ESPN with a bunch of dudes running around wildly to connect some wires to a little prefab room
People should also check out r/theocho
Thats a bold move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off
I watched World Championship Rock Skipping on The Ocho at the start of the Covid Pandemic. I’m totally down for that kind of lunacy. Bring it on!
I feel like there was a stretch of “Ben Stiller Comedies” that immediately preceded “Judd Apatow Comedies.”
Did anyone else catch The World Games on CBS this past weekend? I felt like I was watching The Ocho with some of these events like fin swimming and parkour. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_World_Games
I’ll be at the event supporting the breakin’ portion of the day! Yall should check it out!
F’in A, Cotton
I get it’s from a movie but.. Why not call it “El Ocho”?
This is what I wanted out of cable sports programming literally DECADES ago.
The Wide World of Sports on ABC did a great service in this aspect and now finally, we got the Och!
Ultimate frisbee, once again, can’t seem to garner even as much respect as [checks notes] Kickball, or the US Air Guitar All-Star Air-off.
Bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it works for them.
Yes! Time for more Competitive Electricians!!!
That’s a bold move cotton let’s see how that works out for them
That’s a bold strategy Cotton. 😂
ESPN 8 on the Ocho
Good, I was just thinking we haven’t seen many man whipping pr squiril derby contests lately. Back to you collin
I’m going to be on this for the World Axe Throwing League. Still can’t believe it.
It’s bold strategy Cotton. We”ll see if it pays off
Ah jeez what did rock thrill do this time
They need to come cover the Wisconsin State Kubb Championship this weekend in Wisconsin Dells!!
Death diving is awesome.
PDGA should get a contract!!!
“I’m shocked Cotton”
Deathdiving ftw
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them.
Oh please bring some [Bo Taoshi](https://youtu.be/D4OV-2uTFeg)
No marble races this year. Boo. 😉
No cup stacking high school kids this time? Come on.
One of the best they showed on here was the Putt Putt championships. Very serious coverage for a game most people play when they are 13 and going on a date for the first time.
On the other hand, rock skipping was the amateur hour broadcast you’d expect and it was fun.
The celebrity cornhole tournament is lame. Part of the allure here is watching absolute nobodies who are good at these niche sports get their time in the sun. I don’t need to see Doug Flutie do it.
Fired up for belt sander races though.