Ernest Plays Dulcimer – Jim Varney on the Chevy Chase Show from the 90’s. Chevy is borderline unwatchable as a host, but Jim ignores all his insults
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Ernest Plays Dulcimer – Jim Varney on the Chevy Chase Show from the 90’s. Chevy is borderline unwatchable as a host, but Jim ignores all his insults
View Reddit by Doc_coletti – View Source
Jesus what a train wreck that show was. Guy has the personality of day old dog turd. And yet Arsesnio got axed.
Yeesh. Even Joan Rivers was better than this turd. Jim is a doll as always, though. The good die young, and Chevy Chase lives on. What a world.
Also fyi that musical history bit was totally false. The Appalachian dulcimer is not a precursor to the hammered dulcimer or the piano, and certainly not the violin 🙂
Chevy Chase is a human shaped thing.
The show was originally intended for Dolly Parton, but she turned it down, so they hired…. Chevy chase, a notorious asshole instead of America’s sweetheart.
They paid him 3 million dollars, and spent 1 million renovating the theater, which they christened the Chevy chase theater.
Fox’s president later called Chevy’s performance “embarrassing”
This show was a legendary disaster
Lol that cut to the clip. Not enough inanimate objects to say how lifeless that was. “Oh, we have responsibilities to tend to, good thing we’re not interrupting any jokes.”
Why did Chevy even do this talk show? He clearly has no interest in doing it there or other clips I’ve seen.
Varney was a way better actor than Chevy Chase and I’d wager a better human as well.
I can see why it only had one season. He’s pretty lukewarm.
I miss Jim Varney, I loved all of the Ernest movies and they have not aged poorly, still put Ernest scared stupid or Ernest goes to jail on from time to time.
Jim Varney doing stand-up:
And playing a hard-ass gun dealer in ‘The Expert’
He was a surprisingly versatile entertainer. Ernest P. Worrell was just a guaranteed meal ticket he was handed right at the beginning of his career and he always got paid.
Varney ignored all Chevy’s insults and turned some of them around. Such grace by Varney to have patience with Chevy. I don’t know who on Fox thought giving Chevy a talk show was a good idea.
I remember him from the old Convenience commercials with ‘ya know what I mean, Vern?’ I grew up in Lexington so I remember ppl talking about him being from there.
Jim Varney was probably at his apex culturally here. Chevy was well on his way out (allegedly this was his last show) so I can’t help but wonder if there is animosity from his seeing this lower class Appalachian descended comedian rising while he as an upper middle class from New York is falling.
Also Jim Varney as evident here was a deeply educated Shakespearean trained actor and he was an accomplished Appalachian Dulcimer player.
That dulcimer is a hot, breezy late summer night with honeysuckle on the wind, with a faint hint of fall in the air.
Who in the hell did enough cocaine to make them think that Chevy would be a good talk show host? I don’t think he was intentionally trying to be a prick but he’s terrible at coming up with jokes on the fly. Jim Varney was still a class act though.
It’s crazy to think that Chevy Chase dominated comedy in the 80s only to crash and burn in the 90s.
[Here’s his IMDB page.](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000331/?ref_=nm_mv_close) He was the star of at least 1 hit movie for each year from 1980-1989 (except for ’84 and ’87). Vacation movies, Fletch movies, and other comedy classics.
But then he started to bomb in the 90s and never recovered.
It’s also crazy to think that someone who became famous for playing charming goofballs on SNL and on the big screen would be so awkward and unlikable as a talk show host. It’s like he suddenly forgot how to be charming and funny.
What’s the name of the guy in the blue shirt?
Yeesh, I’ve never seen an episode of Chevy’s show but I always heard it was terrible. That was so painful I only made it about two minutes.
Jim great as always of course.
Does anyone know what song he was playing? Man, I miss Jim Varney. He was a top tier Kentuckian.
“All I ever see you doing is ‘the Vern guy’ …”
The character’s name is Ernest, Chevy
That’s a crack research team you had.
I grew up in West Virginia and loved the Ernest movies as a kid. All my life, I’ve been very accustomed to having to hear West Virginia/Appalachia bashing, on Reddit as much as anywhere else. But you know what? I’ll take Jim Varney and Bill Withers over dipshits like Chevy Chase any day of the week. Be humble, be empathetic, be compassionate, maintain good humor, and be creative.
With Diedrich Bader?
Omg, the Chevy Chase show was just god awful. I remember watching it when Chevy Chase phoned up some female executive and started asking embarrassing questions to troll her. It was very unfunny, and just sad. I kinda liked Chevy Chase before watching that train wreck. He hasn’t been good in anything since. I later learned that everybody who worked with him hated him, and would say thinks like he ‘couldn’t improvise a fart at a chili cook off.’
TIL Chevy Chase had a talk show.
Jim Varney is the most famous person to ever graduate from my high school.
Miss Jim. Don’t smoke people.
Burt Reynolds appearing on the Chevy Chase talk show:
CHEVY: “Why is there so much bad blood between you and your ex-wife (Loni Anderson)?”
BURT: “Because she’s going on the Johnny Carson show and bad-mouthing me.”
CHEVY: “But you’re doing the same thing to her, right here.”
BURT: “True. But here, no one’s watching.”
Chase is forever angry because he thinks he deserves Eddie Murphy type prestige, accolades n money level. He’s was just another SNL cast member.
this was awesome!
Thank You for sharing!!!
Chevy is so famously a jerk, I started a discussion thread about jerks that specifically said “other than Chevy Chase”.
[What celebrities are known for being jerks(that are not named Chevy Chase)?](https://boards.straightdope.com/t/what-celebrities-are-known-for-being-jerks-that-are-not-named-chevy-chase/919839)
I think Milton Berle is a famous example. People hated Milton.
Today, James Corden is apparently a well known douchebag.
Edit: I should also add the obvious Steven Seagal and Donald Trump(long before he was president).